Microsoft Startups for Data Security
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Running an innovative startup is more than just founding a business. We have asked three successful Swiss startups how they do it. What does it need to unlock innovation as a superpower? In the video below learn more about heyPatient, Decentriq, and Bontrebo.


Matthias Spühler, heyPatient Matthias Spühler, Co-Founder heyPatient


Started in the field of electronics, holds federal diplomas in telecommunications, business informatics, business economy and an MBA and a CAS in board governance. Has over 25 years of experience in the healthcare sector (in insurances as well as in hospitals and hospital groups) in various roles in Switzerland and abroad. Married for over 20 years with Regula Spuehler, with whom he funded heyPatient AG. Both have 3 kids. The youngest boy was born in Namibia, where Matthias worked for Catholic Health Services together with Regula for nearly three years as consultant and project manager for all non-clinic topics in the entire group.


Learn more about heyPatient


Maximilian Groth, Decentriq Maximilian Groth, CEO & Founder Decentriq


Maximilian Groth is the CEO and co-founder of Decentriq, a Swiss enterprise SaaS platform providing data clean rooms powered by confidential computing & privacy-enhancing technologies – allowing users to leverage data previously not possible. Along with his co-founder Stefan Deml and the Decentriq team, they have enabled data ecosystems for a range of global enterprises.


Learn more about Decentriq


Cristian Camenisch, Bontrebo Cristian Camenisch, Founder Bontrebo


47 years old, born and raised in the Zurich area,
Co-Founder & BoD-Member of Bontrebo,
Serial entrepreneur (first startup founded mid 90s in San Francisco),
Worked 9 years for Oracle & 7 years within the Avaloq Group,
Education: Civil Engineering


Learn more about Bontrebo



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