
People listening

The inflection points of AI: From something we only talk about to realized large-scale projects

Artificial intelligence has been the talk of the town for quite some time, and with the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022, OpenAI is now becoming more accessible to businesses and the public than ever before. We are investing significantly in AI advancement and research, securing new developments within weeks, days, or even hours – […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

Panel debate

The power of modern selling: Boosting performance through AI and technology 

Technology has revolutionized the way we do business transforming it into a dynamic world of endless opportunities – but also pitfalls as scaling use cases can seem like a barrier. However, with the help of AI and CRM solutions, companies can optimize their sales processes and allow sellers to focus on building stronger customer relationships. […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

5 people on stage

Microsoft Security Day 2023: Strengthening the Security Posture of Modern Organizations

Cyber threats against critical infrastructure are rising with the emergence of the Internet of Things, Operational Technologies, and the evolution of malware. This development introduces new vulnerabilities to organizations, and thus, taking measures to prevent cyber-attacks is more critical than ever before. But what are the actions we need to take? And how to keep […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

A woman and man standing on stage

Unlocking Meaning, Belonging, and Efficiency in a hybrid world

Hybrid work is changing the workplace as we know it. And the need for professional and engaging hybrid work solutions fostering meaningful interactions is greater than ever. On December 6, leading experts in the field of modern work gathered at the Microsoft Denmark office to discuss and debate the possibilities and dilemmas of the topic. […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

A ship

Windows 365 provides stability and redirects power back to the employees

Maybe you haven’t heard about Monjasa. But the Danish established oil and shipping company is among the six largest marine fuels groups in the world in a fragmented commodities market characterized by little transparency and a low degree of digitization. With its ambitious digital transformation, Monjasa is becoming a technological frontrunner for the benefit of […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

A woman looking at a computer

A New Office: How Windows 365 Helps Danish Companies Stay Global

For decades people have adapted to technology. But with the development in modern lifestyle, hybrid work models, and increased focus on work/life balance it seems tech now must adapt to the new needs of both companies and people. Recently, Microsoft Denmark invited selected IT professionals to INCUBA in Aarhus to discuss the potential of one […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

People smiling

Kan vi måle os til større samhørighed på arbejdspladsen? 

Tiden efter corona har hævet kravene til arbejdspladsens fleksibilitet, til hvornår vi skal arbejde – og ikke mindst; hvor vi skal arbejde fra. Det stiller medarbejder og leder overfor nye udfordringer med at bevare både samhørighed og meningsfuldhed på arbejdspladsen. For hvordan opretholder man egentlig et helt tilhørsforhold til en arbejdsplads, der bliver mere og […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

Not just an IT project but probably the largest and most important business project in recent time for Rosti

Not just an IT project but probably the largest and most important business project in recent time for Rosti

Swedish company Rosti has taken a leap into Microsoft cloud. Running on old ERP systems approaching end-of-life, the decision to digitize the business has already had an impact on efficiency gains and growth six months into the project. Today, the project is referred to as “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to streamline the business”. But in the […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

Kids and teacher

Indeklima- og hygiejnenudging: Skoler i Aarhus kommune bruger IoT til at forbedre indeklimaet og reducere smittespredning

Det er ingen hemmelighed, at indeklimaet på mange danske skoler er udfordret. Det har betydning for indlæring, trivsel og sygefravær. På en række skoler i Aarhus Kommune har man valgt en ny og teknologisk tilgang leveret af Zurface Group, som er Microsoft partner. Ved hjælp af nudging-metoder er børn og lærere medskabere af sundere og […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

a man with a hololens

Bridging a Gap Widened by COVID: The Importance of Recognizing the Potential and Impact of Frontline Workers

Referring to frontline workers as the face of the business is nothing new. In this statement lies a recognition of this group of employees as fundamental in the pursuit of customer satisfaction. But a new survey highlights multiple threats to the satisfaction of frontline personnel. To scrutinize this business-critical challenge, we hosted an exclusive knowledge-sharing […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

A building that says nuuday

Digital transformation baner vej for datadrevne beslutninger

Med mere end 100 år på det danske marked har televirksomheden Nuuday taget et teknologisk kvantespring om anvendelse af data. Det skal sikre en endnu stærkere position på et særdeles konkurrenceudsat marked, hvor forbrugerne stiller store krav til produkter, service og oplevelse. Springet til cloud er sket på rekordtid og med en systematisk inklusion af […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

Bygninger i Aarhus kommune

Aarhus Kommune øger sikkerheden med Microsoft 365 E5 Security Suite

Aarhus Kommune har implementeret Microsoft 365 E5 Security Suite og øget sikkerheden. “Med den nye løsning, der har vi en bedre mulighed for at kigge hele vejen rundt i vores IT-miljø, overvåge hvad det er der sker og reagere hurtigt hvis det er, vi kan se, der er noget, der ikke er, som det burde […]

Malene Amini

Malene Amini

Head of Marketing

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