Teknologi og livsstil

Teknologi og livsstil

Opdag, hvordan ny teknologi og innovativ software viser bedre måder at få dine devices til at interagere, uanset hvor du er, eller hvad du skal lave.

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Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft
Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft

The merger of Danish insurance companies Alm. Brand and Codan has created one of the largest insurance groups in Denmark, bringing together more than 700,000 customers in the new Alm. Brand Group. Through their future IT landscape – named ‘The Insurance Platform of the Future’ – Alm. Brand Group will develop and provide insurance solutions […]

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

Workshop at Microsoft Denmark
Leveraging the power of Windows 365 Cloud PC to meet hybrid workforce needs

Since the launch of the virtual desktop solution of Microsoft Windows 365 in August 2021, the Enterprise platform has received much interest. Now, approaching the second anniversary of its release, Windows 365 Cloud PC is better and more accessible for organizations than ever before. On March 14, 2023, Microsoft Denmark hosted a workshop at the […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

5 people on stage
Microsoft Security Day 2023: Strengthening the Security Posture of Modern Organizations

Cyber threats against critical infrastructure are rising with the emergence of the Internet of Things, Operational Technologies, and the evolution of malware. This development introduces new vulnerabilities to organizations, and thus, taking measures to prevent cyber-attacks is more critical than ever before. But what are the actions we need to take? And how to keep […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Trine Bramsen et al. står foran en bygning
Microsoft Security Day: Hackerangreb rammer alle

Det tager gennemsnitligt mere end 100 dage før en virksomhed opdager, at den er blevet hacket. Angrebene koster formuer og ødelægger både samfund og organisationer. For at blive klogere på udfordringerne og løsningerne, debatterede eksperter, den danske forsvarsminister og virksomheder cybersikkerhed på det virtuelle event Microsoft Security Day den 25. marts 2021. Hackerne er smartere, […]

Isabella Oliver

Isabella Oliver

Social Lead

Arbejd mere sikkert – hvor som helst
Arbejd mere sikkert – hvor som helst

Arbejdspladsen er under forandring. Ny teknologi giver os mere intelligente og fleksible måder at gøre vores arbejde på. Derfor kan det være en god forretning at arbejde på farten eller væk fra kontoret. Faktisk, anser 55 % af de adspurgte it-chefer den “universelle” arbejdsplads for at være en af de primære tendenser, der vil vende […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

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