Arbejde og produktivitet

Arbejde og produktivitet

Arbejdspladsen er under forandring. Lær, hvordan du redefinerer måden, du når dine arbejdsopgaver på, og hvordan du fremmer arbejdskulturen og medarbejderes engagement på nye, spændende måder.

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A woman and man standing on stage

Unlocking Meaning, Belonging, and Efficiency in a hybrid world

Hybrid work is changing the workplace as we know it. And the need for professional and engaging hybrid work solutions fostering meaningful interactions is greater than ever. On December 6, leading experts in the field of modern work gathered at the Microsoft Denmark office to discuss and debate the possibilities and dilemmas of the topic. […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

People in a room

Hybrid Now: Standing still is moving backwards

Hybrid work constitutes a world of possibilities but is difficult for organizations to fully grasp. Maybe because hybrid work is touching upon some of the fundamental building blocks of every business; the organizational culture and behavior, how we collaborate, and how not least; making everybody feel included, no matter where they work from. At the […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

People looking at a screen

From single use to multipurpose: The meeting rooms of tomorrow are all about inclusion!

Gone are the days when people attending the same meeting were either physically together or behind individual screens. With the new hybrid reality comes increased complexity and the need to re-think the inclusion of all participants in meetings – no matter their location or device. At Microsoft, we truly believe that we should practice what […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

A man

Michael Andersen: Do the extra thinking!

Hybrid Talk is an article series hosted by Microsoft Denmark. We have invited thought leaders, companies, and organizations to share their views on the modern way of working and how technology supports the hybrid model. Is the new normal here to stay or does it even make sense to talk about normality in a world-changing […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

A man

Michael Andersen: Tænk de ekstra tanker!

Hybrid Talk er en artikelserie af Microsoft Danmark. Vi har inviteret en række erhvervsledere og eksperter til at dele deres syn på den moderne måde at arbejde på, og hvordan teknologien understøtter den hybride arbejdsplads. Er vi vidner til ”new normal”, og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om normalitet i en verden, der ændrer […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

People talking

Stop, reflect, and redesign the workplace: Insights from organizations and experts on healthy hybrid work

Stress and mental overload are not new problems. However, the increase we have seen in work-related stress during the pandemic should worry us. And it is. But how do we take care of ourselves and at the same time utilize all the best the hybrid working environment has to offer? How can technology enable healthier […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Man looking at people in Teams

Lise Dahl Arvedsen: Da man opbyggede bureaukratierne, var verden anderledes

Hybrid Talk er en artikelserie af Microsoft Danmark. Vi har inviteret en række erhvervsledere og eksperter til at dele deres syn på den moderne måde at arbejde på, og hvordan teknologien understøtter den hybride arbejdsplads. Er vi vidner til ”new normal”, og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om normalitet i en verden, der ændrer […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

People working with teams

Camilla Thind Sunesen: Vi står med århundredets chance – nu!

Hybrid Talk er en artikelserie af Microsoft Danmark. Vi har inviteret en række erhvervsledere og eksperter til at dele deres syn på den moderne måde at arbejde på, og hvordan teknologien understøtter den hybride arbejdsplads. Er vi vidner til ”new normal”, og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om normalitet i en verden, der ændrer […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

a man

Morten Albæk: Mennesker vil altid være mennesker

Hybrid Talk er en artikelserie af Microsoft Danmark. Vi har inviteret en række erhvervsledere og eksperter til at dele deres syn på den moderne måde at arbejde på, og hvordan teknologien understøtter den hybride arbejdsplads. Er vi vidner til ”new normal” og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om normalitet i en verden, der ændrer […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Guide: How to get started with hybrid work

Guide: How to get started with hybrid work

Is your organization looking to create a hybrid workplace that fits you? Learn more about the hybrid meeting and get tips, insights, and concrete recommendations to assist you on your hybrid journey 1. Download the simple how-to guide with recommendations on how to prepare for the workplace of the future.   2. Download the full […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

People looking at the screen

Sophie Saxine Lovett: Overgangen til hybrid er det hårdeste og sjoveste jeg har prøvet 

Hybrid Talk er en artikelserie af Microsoft Danmark. Vi har inviteret en række ledere til at dele deres syn på den moderne måde at arbejde på, og hvordan teknologien understøtter den hybride arbejdsplads. Er vi vidner til ”new normal” og giver det overhovedet mening at tale om normalitet i en verden, der ændrer sig hurtigere […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Monique Carter: Everyone has the right to flexibility

Monique Carter: Everyone has the right to flexibility

Hybrid Talk is an article series hosted by Microsoft Denmark. We have invited thought leaders, companies, and organizations to share their views on the modern way of working and how technology supports the hybrid model. Is the new normal here to stay or does it even make sense to talk about normality in a world […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

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