Delegate and ISS: An Optimal Workplace Using IoT Data

Cecilie Bergendorff

Cecilie Bergendorff

Partner Communication & Event Lead

Læsetid, 2 min.

Delegate collaborated closely with Microsoft and ISS to develop an IoT data platform which offers insights into workplace comfort factors (temperature, humidity, CO2, and noise levels), monitors room usage and availability, and collects waste information to reduce the CO2 footprint. This data-driven approach ensures an optimal working environment in ISS buildings for the benefit of customers and the environment.

Learn more about the challenge, strategy, and results of the case below!

The challenge ISS was facing
ISS faced the challenge of monitoring over 4,000 of their operated buildings in real-time to optimize operational factors such as temperature, humidity, CO2 emissions, noise levels, and waste. Their objective was to enhance user satisfaction and reduce their carbon footprint by implementing a data-driven strategy to establish an optimal work environment and gather waste information.

Delegate’s strategy to solve the challenge
Delegate’s strategy was to implement an IoT Data Platform with four main functions:

  1. Comfort Predictability Foundation: Measures temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, and noise levels in real-time to monitor comfort conditions in buildings.
  2. Occupancy: Provides an overview of room availability and historical usage patterns to optimize room allocation.
  3. Workplace Experience: Analyzes end-user activity and business patterns to create better service features.
  4. Waste Online: Monitors waste consumption to reduce CO2 footprint. Additionally, the platform is designed to support future use cases, such as better service features for meeting rooms, office spaces, and relaxation rooms.

ISS’ results
As a result of the collaboration with Delegate, ISS can now monitor room availability and waste consumption in their buildings, gaining valuable insights into comfort factors such as temperature, humidity, CO2 levels, and noise. This data-driven approach enables ISS to provide a comfortable and energy-optimized working environment for their customers.

Over the next year, the platform will be accessible to over 100,000 users through an app, allowing them to contribute to a greener future with just the touch of a button.


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