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Making a smart contribution to the sustainability mission 

Sustainability is paramount for Microsoft, and these values are reflected in Surface. Sustainability plays a key role in every life phase of every Surface, from design to end-of-life. So how does this work in practice? 

Sustainability and Microsoft Surface are closely linked. It all begins in one of the very first phases, sourcing raw materials in line with our responsible procurement policy. Sustainability is a major concern in material selection, and we always strive to minimise the use of hazardous materials. If at all possible, we reuse as many materials as possible. We have even set ourselves a clear goal: by 2030, Surface models should not be 91%, but 100% recyclable. And what goes for our devices, goes for packaging too. By 2030, packaging materials must also be 100% recyclable (currently 95%). Our goal for the next two years is to entirely eliminate single-use plastic by 2025. 


Recently, we have also invested in improving the recyclability of Surface, aiming to increase the overall lifespan. We have set up a dedicated programme for this purpose: our ‘Design for Repair’ programme. In developing our more recent Surface models (such as Surface Pro 8, Surface Laptop Studio, and Surface Laptop SE), we harnessed the knowledge gained through this programme. Besides, we also work with partners to offer Device-as-a-Service, allowing customers to lease Surface. This lease programme consists of repair, reuse and a process for responsibly recycling devices.  

More efficient than ever 

Are you familiar with ENERGY STAR? It’s an internationally recognised energy label that sets energy efficiency and battery performance requirements for hardware. All Surface models are ENERGY STAR-certified. We’re also constantly working on improving the hardware, as is reflected in our test results. For example, when the Surface Pro 7 was compared to the Surface Pro 8 during the “ENERGY STAR Computer Specification 8.0” test, the results showed that the Surface Pro 8 used 16% less energy than the Surface Pro 7. 

Ample accessories 

Amidst our sustainability efforts, we didn’t turn a blind eye to accessories (for more information, check out this article. The Type Cover made of our Alcantara material is a great example. Not only does it boast a luxury finish, it even has a ‘Certified Carbon Neutral’ certificate. What’s more, it’s easy to keep clean, extending the lifespan of your investment. 

 Carbon neutral 

The goals we’re pursuing with Surface fit in well with our overall practices. Did you know that we’ve been carbon neutral since 2012? More incredibly, our aim is to completely erase our historical carbon footprint by 2050. We published an article about this in the past, which you can find here. 

Continue reading 

To find out more about our sustainability initiatives, go here for more detailed information. 

Sustainability. Good For Business. Executive Playbook.

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