Introducing the Microsoft Innovation Hub: A new hot spot for business transformation 

Loutfi Belghmidi

Loutfi Belghmidi

PR & Comms Lead

Leestijd, 3 min.

Brussels, 21 October 2024. We are proud to announce the launch of the Microsoft Innovation Hub in Brussels, a state-of-the-art facility situated in the heart of Europe. This unique space is designed to empower enterprise customers to solve their most pressing business challenges and accelerate their digital transformation journey. More than just a meeting place, the Innovation Hub is where cutting-edge technology, expert guidance, and forward-thinking come together to create impactful solutions.  

Located strategically in the European Quarter of Brussels, the Hub brings Microsoft closer to its customers, allowing us to better understand and address their needs. With deep technical engagements led by senior architects, we help organizations unlock what’s possible and make it real. Our tailored single- or multi-day sessions are designed to tackle specific business scenarios, whether through business envisioning, solution envisioning, architectural design, or rapid prototyping, ensuring that technology serves as a true enabler of business growth.  

Marijke Schroos, General Manager Belgium and Luxembourg: “Being closer to our customers and partners is crucial to our mission of empowering digital transformation. The launch of the Microsoft Innovation Hub in Brussels allows us to better understand their needs and offer more tailored solutions that drive real business impact. We are excited about the opportunities this brings to strengthen our collaborations and accelerate innovation. Together, we are writing history, leaning into change, sharing learnings, and gaining pace, all with the shared mission of driving digital transformation forward.” 

The Microsoft Innovation Hub stands out as a place where collaboration thrives. Here, we bring together the right people, processes, and technology to solve complex problems and seize new opportunities. Our experts work across multiple disciplines to architect innovative, cross-workload solutions, helping you move from ideation to implementation with a methodology designed for tangible results. 

An example of this is our AI Innovation Lab where we guide customers from prioritizing the right artificial intelligence use cases, to building a technical architecture aligned to the customer’s particular IT landscape and eventually doing a rapid prototype to prove any open points or concerns. We do this in close collaboration with expert AI partner companies that can further develop this into production-ready solutions.  

We recently opened the Nerdland Experience at the Microsoft Innovation Hub Brussels, in partnership with television presenter, science communicator, and Nerdland podcast host Lieven Scheire, who’s also known for his successful theatre show about the power of AI. This addition allows visitors to engage with content from over seven years of Nerdland podcasts. With the Nerdland AI Assistant, powered by Azure OpenAI, visitors can now ask questions on any of the topics covered throughout the years. The AI Assistant showcases the power of generative AI on large internal datasets, breaking language barriers and demonstrating the future possibilities of AI-driven solutions. 

“Innovation is the key to solving tangible, real-life problems that our clients face every day” adds Ron Pooters, Director Microsoft Innovation Hub. “The Microsoft Innovation Hub will enable us to work alongside customers to envision and architect cutting-edge solutions that not only address their current challenges but also position them for future success. Together, we can turn innovative ideas into reality.” 

The Microsoft Innovation Hub in Brussels is a place where vision meets execution, a unique hot spot for enterprises ready to shape the future. Join us to explore how we can help turn your business possibilities into reality. 

Read more about how the Microsoft Innovation Hub operates. 

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