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Sustainable transformation in the energy sector: now, next and beyond

Luis  Morencos

Luis Morencos

Energy Industry Executive, Microsoft, Western Europe

Read Time, 2 min.

Sustainability is one of the most urgent challenges facing the modern world. It is everyone’s responsibility, and the future success of ours and other species depends on the way that we rise – collectively and as individuals – to meet that challenge.

Every industry is adapting in its own way to changes in the expectations of investors, customers, legislators and other key stakeholders. There are no shortcuts to meeting these expectations. It takes commitment and human ingenuity to unearth lasting solutions that are appropriate for the industry-specific nature of the problems they address.

The energy sector is not immune from such pressures and the industry faces a unique and wide-ranging set of challenges that must be addressed. But, with the right technology, every organization can take its next step on the journey to sustainable transformation.

Sustainable transformation - Energy - Industry - Aerial view of windfarm

Creating a more sustainable energy sector

The energy sector accounts for more global greenhouse gas emissions than any other industry, with around 73.2% of emissions worldwide. It is understandable then that the drive to decarbonize the energy sector sits firmly at the top of global strategic efforts.

Leaders in the sector are responding with greater transparency around their efforts to stem these emissions. There is a trend towards the public disclosure of metrics on:

  • Investments in low carbon technology
  • The effectiveness of carbon capture technologies
  • Targets to phase down fossil fuel-generated electricity, and
  • Ways that internal carbon price is used in decision-making.

As a result, the global energy landscape is shifting toward a new value chain where energy and information flow in both directions.

Technology is playing a key role in supporting these global efforts. The focus on renewables has sparked sustainable transformation across the industry, and new technologies such as non-utility solar energy, innovations in battery storage and the unstoppable rise of electric vehicles (EVs) are driving the emergence of a new digital energy marketplace.

But for some energy companies, it can be difficult to identify where to start or what to do next when it comes to sustainable transformation.

The sustainable transformation model

The Sustainable Transformation Model provides a framework to support businesses in their efforts to create a better tomorrow.

It provides industry-specific guidance on how to take the next step forward, detailing what to consider now, next and beyond across 3 pillars of the sustainable business model:​ sustainable platform, sustainable collaboration and sustainable ecosystem.

Start channelling your energy into a more sustainable way of working. Download the Sustainable Transformation Model one-pager today.

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Sustainability. Good For Business. Executive Playbook.

Provides guidance for 6 roles across the C-Suite on how to take the first step to a more sustainable and prosperous tomorrow.

8 minutes

Creating a greener energy market with cloud technology

Norwegian start-up Oss Norge has been using IoT technology and the Azure cloud to power a greener energy market.

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