Ovi  Barceló

Ovi Barceló

Solution Specialist for Modern Classroom, Microsoft Western Europe

Ovi has a 16-year career in the classroom as a primary teacher and ICT coordinator of Grupo Sorolla, in Valencia. He has worked as an Innovative Teacher at Microsoft that he joined in 2017 to be responsible for the educational community and the private and subsidized schools in Microsoft Spain. He is now working as Solution Specialist for Modern Classroom for Microsoft Western Europe, trying to offer the best experience for students and faculty in the use of Microsoft technology in education.


Unlock the potential of your students with Microsoft’s new Learning Accelerators
Unlock the potential of your students with Microsoft’s new Learning Accelerators

Personalized learning is a goal that educators everywhere have been trying to achieve for years. But the pandemic shone a light on the complexity of that challenge for teachers, who face a more diverse set of student needs than ever before.  Because delivering a truly personalized learning experience for every student has traditionally required lots […]

Ovi  Barceló

Ovi Barceló

Solution Specialist for Modern Classroom, Microsoft Western Europe

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