Nina Rapp

Nina Rapp

GTM manager Modern Work

Nina Rapp leads the Modern Work business in Sweden and have been in charge of the Swedish future of work agenda since Januari 2022. She has worked at Microsoft since 2013 in various positions within sales and marketing, both for Microsoft Sweden and Microsoft Western Europe where she previously led the Microsoft 365 business for Enterprise segment in 12 European countries.

Nina is passionate about the role of technology as an enabler for innovation and business development.


Two women in an office looking at a computer
Cloud-based computers secure the hybrid workplace strategy of Alleima

The hybrid workplace is today a prerequisite for a well-functioning and modern organization. In fact, Alleima has taken the hybrid setup one step further by using the cloud to drive the computers within the company. Alleima is a leading manufacturer of high value-added products in advanced stainless steels and special alloys, as well as products […]

Nina Rapp

Nina Rapp

GTM manager Modern Work

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