Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Microsoft Manufacturing Lead for Western Europe

Mrs Janssens currently serves as the head of the manufacturing sector for Western Europe. In this capacity, she empowers the digital transformation of process and discrete manufacturers. She has a true passion for the power of cloud and edge technologies in industrial and business model revolution.


Diverse manufacturing solutions for a diverse world
Diverse manufacturing solutions for a diverse world

“The world is diverse. So, we can only serve the world, if we are diverse too,” says Verónica Pascual, CEO of ASTI TechGroup     In the latest installment of our Manufacturing the Future video series, Veronica acknowledges the link between diversity and innovation that’s empowering hers and other manufacturing companies to find better ways to serve […]

Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Microsoft Manufacturing Lead for Western Europe

Sustainability ambitions need diverse talent
Sustainability ambitions need diverse talent

As sustainable transformation continues to shape the manufacturing world, more organizations than ever are acknowledging the need to attract diverse talent.      One organization leading the sustainable change is steel manufacturer, Tata Steel. Steel plays a vital role in supporting our society to continue to grow and flourish. In fact, so much of it is […]

Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Microsoft Manufacturing Lead for Western Europe

Manufacturing: the place to be for diverse talent
Manufacturing: the place to be for diverse talent

Manufacturing is undergoing a huge transformation. And that transformation is opening a wealth of new opportunities to bring diversity to the industry. Digital technologies are game changers for the manufacturing industry. Outokumpu has been on an inspiring journey driving its sustainability agenda through their use of data and AI. Another story that inspired Laurence Janssens is that […]

Laurence Janssens

Laurence Janssens

Microsoft Manufacturing Lead for Western Europe

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