Gaetano Bonifacio

Gaetano Bonifacio

Industry Advisor Healthcare

With a Ph.D. in Life Sciences and an Executive MBA education, I work at the intersection of healthcare and technology. I have extensive experience in -omics data, with a particular focus on clinical genomics. At Microsoft, I can realize my passion and ambition to solve complex healthcare challenges by supporting healthcare partners in their goal of digital transformation.


Asian female scientist working in a lab with conical flasks
Navigating the odyssey of biomedical research

In the healthcare industry, collaboration among multiple stakeholders is essential in driving biomedical research. Universities, Hospitals, Pharma, and Biotech are part of a complex and connected ecosystem. Healthcare institutions face critical obstacles when it comes to aggregating, harmonizing, and exploiting data for their studies. The lack of seamless knowledge sharing is hindering the progress of […]

Gaetano Bonifacio

Gaetano Bonifacio

Industry Advisor Healthcare

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