Sian  John

Sian John

Chief Security Advisor

Experienced Information Security Professional working in IT since 1992, specialising in security since 1997.


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Five things we learnt from the Security and Compliance Summit

On November 4th 2020, Microsoft Western Europe hosted its first Security and Compliance Summit. Experts and Security Blackbelts from across Microsoft, including the Detection and Response Team and the Digital Crimes Unit, came together virtually to share perspectives on the latest security, compliance and privacy challenges that seek to compromise the modern workplace – a […]

Sian  John

Sian John

Chief Security Advisor

a close up of a logo
The power of trust: thoughts on security in the digital age

When you’ve been working in digital security for a quarter of a century, as I have, people often ask what my number 1 piece of advice is to help businesses and organizations build trust with their customers and partners. My answer is always the same: “Don’t be creepy!” I know it’s a cliché to use […]

Sian  John

Sian John

Chief Security Advisor

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