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Harnessing Microsoft XDR and SIEM for Comprehensive Threat Protection

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

Læsetid, 3 min.

It is crucial that organizations and decision-makers know how to strengthen their cybersecurity posture. Therefore, Microsoft shared insights on the integrated XDR and SIEM solutions and their effectiveness in providing a comprehensive defense against multiplatform and multicloud attacks.

In an era where cyber threats have become increasingly sophisticated, organizations are seeking integrated solutions to safeguard their digital landscape. Microsoft’s recent Tech Brief on comprehensive Threat Protection with XDR and SIEM showcased how to prevent, detect, investigate, and respond to threats across the entire digital estate. This by exploring how Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Sentinel, and Microsoft Defender for Cloud provide XDR and SIEM capabilities to mitigate attacks across multiplatform and multi-cloud environments and how these capabilities accelerate threat detection, investigation, and response time.

Lars Staal Møller, Security Technology Specialist at Microsoft, initiated the online event by providing an overview of the current obstacles in the digital landscape. “We’ve seen ransomware attacks increase by 150% compared to 2021, while phishing attacks have gone up by over 600% over the past few years. This situation makes it difficult for the defenders to protect the digital environment,” Lars Staal Møller said.

Lars Staal Møller also revealed what lies behind the next frontier: Security Copilot. “Imagine a system that not only detects but also converses with you, offering insights and recommendations in natural language. That’s the promise of Security Copilot – transforming the complex landscape of cybersecurity into actionable strategies,” Lars Staal Møller envisioned.

Crafting a cohesive defense: Microsoft’s integrated approach

As cybercrime evolves, so does our need for a cohesive defense strategy. Senior Technical Specialist at Microsoft, Bastian Eibner, went into depth with the Defender Portals and XDR by emphasizing the integrated nature of Microsoft’s security approach. “XDR is critical in the defense against modern attacks. It doesn’t just focus on endpoints but spans identities, email, cloud apps, and data, providing a comprehensive security net,” Bastian Eibner explained. Instead of just extinguishing fires, this holistic perspective enables Microsoft’s solutions to offer more than just alerts but a complete narrative of the security incident, aiding in rapid response and remediation.

Nikolaj Laursen, Security Technology Specialist at Microsoft, gave the audience an overview of Microsoft Sentinel and highlighted the role of AI and machine learning in enhancing Microsoft’s security solutions. “Microsoft Sentinel is our cloud native platform. This is where we leverage all our alerts from the full estate and across environments, whether they are Microsoft 365-based or provided by a third party. It is powered by AI automation and Microsoft’s deep understanding of the digital threats that empowers defenders to hunt and resolve critical threats at machine speed and at a lower total cost of ownership,” Nikolaj Laursen stated.

With the integration of AI, the security systems are not only smarter but also swifter in identifying threats. This advanced intelligence is crucial for preemptive defense and real-time attack disruption. So why choose both Microsoft XDR and SIEM? The short answer is that Microsoft XDR and SIEM complement each other’s capabilities. “When using Microsoft XDR and SIEM together, you will lower your risk of breach by 60%, reduce your response time by 88%, and get higher productivity in the SoC. Hereby, you reduce both your costs and threats by consolidating on Microsoft’s platforms,” Bastian Eibner explained.

Furthermore, it was showcased how Microsoft’s security platforms collaborate seamlessly to provide a unified front against cyber threats. From preventing initial access via phishing emails to mitigating ransomware spread, the synergy between Microsoft 365 Defender, Sentinel, and Defender for Cloud was evident.

End-to-end capabilities

The event concluded with a live demonstration, illustrating the end-to-end capabilities of Microsoft’s security solutions—from detecting phishing attempts to neutralizing ransomware threats. The demo reinforced the practical applications of Microsoft’s defensive arsenal in a real-world scenario.

In summary, the event was a declaration of Microsoft’s commitment to cybersecurity. The blend of XDR and SIEM, powered by AI and machine learning, presents a formidable shield against the evolving cyber threats of our time, promising a more secure digital future for organizations worldwide.

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