Læsetid, 3 min.

Microsoft Ignite Denmark is a full day event that will bring together developers, IT professionals, and business leaders to learn, connect, and explore the latest innovations in cloud, data, AI, and security. You will have the opportunity to hear from Microsoft experts and industry leaders, attend interactive sessions, network with peers and partners, and get hands-on experience with the latest technologies.

For practical information about the event click here: Microsoft Ignite Denmark – Practical Information

Here is the agenda for the day:

Main Sessions

07:00 – 08:30 Arrival & Registration, Breakfast in the Expo Area
08:30 – 08:35 Welcome by moderator, Natasja Crone
08:35 – 09:00 Keynote with Mette Kaagaard, Country GM, Microsoft Denmark and Iceland
09:00 – 09:30 Keynote with Lillie Harris, Azure Business Lead, Microsoft Western Europe
09:30 – 10:00 Break

Breakout Sessions: Choose between 3 sessions

10:00 – 10:45 ➡️Session 1: Microsoft Copilot for Azure: Why Migrating to Azure Helps to Be AI-Ready, Secure, and Optimize Operations
Dardan Dashaj, Go-To-Market Lead, Azure, Microsoft Denmark
Craig Forster, Azure Technical Specialist, Microsoft Denmark➡️Session 2: Get Ready for the Future of Work

Peter Lippert, Sr. Technology Specialist – M365 Copilot & Teams, Microsoft Denmark
Nicolai Sønderby, Solution Sales Modern Work – M365 Copilot, Microsoft Denmark

➡️Session 3: Cloud Unleashed with Devoteam: Insights from Region H. and Copenhagen University.
Thomas Thejn, Managing Director Cloud, Devoteam
Theis Sølvkjær |Team Leader, Rune Frank-Hansen | Head of Section and Mike Thomas Fløjborg | IT-Architect from Copenhagen University
Lisa Rønne-Kofoed, Team Lead | Cloud Engineer and Thomas Celinder | Section Manager Cloud Platforms from Region Hovedstaden

10:45 – 11:15 Networking in the Expo Area
Meet our sponsors: Devoteam, Inspari, Leapwork, VENZO, Fellowmind, APENTO, SCALES/NNIT, twoday
11:15 – 12:00 ➡️Session 1: Maximize the Value of AI 

Rasmus Knappe, Senior CSA Manager, Data & AI, Microsoft Denmark
Torben Nelausen, Technical Specialist Manager, Microsoft Denmark

➡️Session 2: Get Your Enterprise Ready for Microsoft Copilot for Microsoft 365 with Data Security
Bastian B. Eibner, Sr. Technology Specialist – Security and Compliance, Microsoft Denmark
Alexandra Nadia, Technology Specialist, Microsoft Denmark

➡️Session 3: Gen AI: One size does not fit all. An overview of implemented Gen AI solutions at clients
Hans Harhoff Andersen, Principal Data Scientist – Data Science & AI Lead, Inspari
Alexander Høier, Data Scientist, Inspari

12:00 – 13:15 Lunch
Networking in the Expo Area Meet Devoteam, Inspari, Leapwork, VENZO, Fellowmind, APENTO, SCALES/NNIT, twoday
13: 15 – 14:00 ➡️Session 1: Unify Your Data Across Domains, Clouds, and Engines in OneLake and with Microsoft Fabric
Jon Jahren, Azure Data & AI Lead, Microsoft Norway & Denmark
Morne Blake, Azure Technical Specialist, Microsoft Denmark➡️Session 2: Enhance Your Security Operations with Microsoft’s Unified XDR, SIEM and Copilot for Security Platform
Kenneth Rosenkrantz, Senior Product Manager, Microsoft Security Copilot
Jurate Beniulyte, Go-To-Market Lead, Security, Microsoft Denmark, Iceland and Austria

➡️Session 3: Innovate Faster at Reduced Costs with AI-powered Visual Test Automation
Sune Engsig, Field CTO, Leapwork

14:00 – 14:30 Networking in the Expo Area
Meet our sponsors: Devoteam, Inspari, Leapwork, VENZO, Fellowmind, APENTO, SCALES/NNIT, twoda
14:30 – 15:15 ➡️Session 1: Productive and Secure End-to-End Developer Experiences Powered by AI
Maxim Salnikov, Developer Productivity Business Lead, Microsoft Western Europe
Simon Tange Peylecke, Head of Digital & App Innovation, Microsoft Denmark➡️Session 2: Build Your Own Copilot with the Microsoft Copilot Stack
Harald Wentein, COO Low Code & Automation, Microsoft Western Europe
Anders Fjordhøj, Sr. Technical Specialist – Power Platform, Microsoft Denmark

➡️Session 3: Unleash AI’s transforming potential securely and successfully.
Nikolaj Andersen, Manager, Automation & AI, VENZO
Peter Trier Jørgensen, Security & Compliance Architect, VENZO

Closing Session

15:15 – 15:40 Quick break before final remarks
15:40 – 16:00 Closing remarks with Danish Leadership Team members and moderator, Natasja Crone

  • Nina Due, Director, Small, Medium & Corporate Segment, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
  • Line Sinding Skött, Public Sector Lead, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
  • Crilles Jansen, Director of Customer Success, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
16:00 – 17:30 Reception & Networking in the Expo Area


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