EET Implements Microsoft Dynamics 365 to Create a Scalable Business Model

Bo Kaaber

Bo Kaaber

GTM Lead – Dynamics 365 and Power Platform

Læsetid, 4 min.

EET, a leading value-adding IT distributor has embarked on a path of innovation and growth by implementing Microsoft Dynamics 365 across the entire organization. The ambition is to increase profitability and grow by +50 percent in the next three years, leveraging opportunities for increased digitalization, operational scalability, and a heightened focus on customer centricity. 

“Our decision to implement Microsoft Dynamics 365 across the entire organization is derived from a customer first strategy to provide unmatched convenience and expertise,” begins Søren Drewsen, CEO of EET Group. “We focus on activities that build lasting customer relationships, and here, the automation of routine tasks plays a significant role, especially in terms of collecting and utilizing data to create personalized customer experiences and value-added services,” continues Søren Drewsen.  

By using the advanced capabilities of Dynamics 365, EET will be able to center operations around the customer and empower each employee with all the necessary information needed to provide a value-adding customer experience second to none, whether working in Sales, Service, Product Management, Marketing, or Logistics.  

EET manages year after year to take market shares in a fragmented but growing market driven by secular trends. As the business aims to increase profitability and grow organically, a key initiative has been to transition from a Best-of-Breed to a Best-of-Suite enterprise architecture strategy with Microsoft Dynamics 365 as a core growth enabler.  

Simplifying the Complex 

EET don’t just talk about growth; it is part of its DNA. However, a considerable number of acquisitions and expansion into 24 markets across six different business areas create a need to simplify the complex. This is one of the reasons EET has chosen Microsoft Dynamics 365. Chief Digital Officer at EET Group, Dennis Funch Jensen, states: “The scalable nature of Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers opportunities for growth while the platform helps us bridge the gap between decision-makers and the frontline. This ensures that stakeholders across the organization remain closely connected to both customer successes and challenges.”  

“It is quite complex to build a simple business. And it is a daily focus to keep complexity at bay.” 

            Søren Drewsen, CEO EET Group 

 From 10 to 1 System to Create Relevance and Personalization 

EET has transitioned from having ten customer systems to just one. This strengthens the connection between manufacturers, installers, and dealers because there is now a uniform process for working with leads and customers across 24 markets, with increased SLA follow-up throughout the value chain. Customers will also expect a more seamless experience collaborating with EET due to the implementation of Dynamics 365. “We can now enhance relevance for our customers by providing tailored services that we know are crucial for them. They will experience faster responses, and we will be better able to understand their needs because we have access to and oversight of behavioral and transactional data at a new level,” says Dennis Funch Jensen. 

The former ten customer systems were based on a Best-of-Breed strategy. But in light of Microsoft’s significant investments in Dynamics 365, the strategy has now shifted to Best-of-Suite. “Best-of-Suite has become available through Microsoft’s high investment in Dynamics 365 over the past five years. The new 365 platform enables a high degree of configuration for each business, as well as new automation opportunities and therefore, we are on board,” says Søren Drewsen, who expects the new system to create both efficiency gains and increased revenue from new customers, as well as reduced processing time. When Copilot for Dynamics 365 is activated across the platform, it will open entirely new possibilities, according to both Søren Drewsen and Dennis Funch Jensen. 

“AI will be a game-changer. Copilot will bring entirely new efficiency gains—both in terms of meeting preparation and follow-up, as well as sales initiatives and the development and collaboration around solution proposals. Likewise, we plan to incorporate Azure OpenAI as a central tool for the entire organization, and we have identified two upcoming projects in sales and service, which include AI-assisted customer responses for price, availability, ETA, and order requests, as well as enabling OCR and RPA technologies for extracting and formatting data from vendor product data and bids,” says Dennis Funch Jensen. 

“We are confident that our new strategy will help both build and strengthen customer relations while solidifying our position in the industry, ensuring our readiness for the future. At the same time, we maintain a strong focus on security and compliance, enabling EET to manage customer interactions effectively and securely throughout the customer journey.” concludes Søren Drewsen. 

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