Sofie Lindblom holding Surface Pro 6
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The world is changing. Fast. It’s exciting. We believe that today there’s no room for compromise. It’s no longer about weighing up mobility against security, choosing between creativity and productivity or juggling your work and life – it’s about collaboration. Our priorities and our passions woven into one seamless story. Welcome to Work X Life: Everything about you, fitting perfectly together.

Redefining Work x Life 

By 2025, Millennials will make up 75% of the entire global workforce. Across every level – from entry positions to the C-Suite.

Their attitudes and expectations to work and life will redefine how companies innovate, how they recruit and retain talent and how they prepare their workers for success.

So, what do they expect?

Employees want to bring their whole selves to everything they do. To create where they want, when they want – with whomever they want.  Absolute flexibility – effortlessly.

A global workforce

Companies are becoming increasingly global. Boundaries of time, location, space and structure are blurring.

No matter the size of the business, work doesn’t just happen between 9 and 5 at fixed desks five days a week. People are mobile. Success means connecting them with each other – and the information they need – from anywhere, at any time.

It’s not just about location. Organizations are taking cues from co-working models like WeWork, empowering employees to work wherever they want, but giving them flexibility to visit modern offices with digital collaboration tools that transcend geographical boundaries.

Understanding Work x Life

We believe these trends are essential because they highlight the opportunities and challenges we face in the coming years.

They also suggest solutions, as the next generation of technologies allow us to empower people in powerful new ways.

There’s never been a more exciting time to be in business.

The companies that will survive and thrive will be the ones who can find answers to these questions:

  • How do I engage and motivate my people?
  • What would boost their creativity?
  • How do I use AI to make my people work better?
  • How do I create a workplace my people will love?

Free whitepaper: The 5 Faces of Today’s Employees

Get ready for the new era of collaboration

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