Work & Productivity

Work & Productivity

The workplace is transforming. Learn how to redefine how work gets done and foster employee engagement and culture in exciting new ways.

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a person sitting at a table using a laptop
Learning in lockdown: one year on

It’s both an understatement and a cliché to say that things have changed in the last year. But while the one-year anniversary of the first lockdown isn’t something anyone will celebrate, the impact it has had on the way we work and learn is undeniable. We spoke to four higher education professionals from different institutions […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

a group of people sitting at a table
A single collaboration hub to help sales soar

Do you want to know Microsoft’s secret to sales success? Collaboration. It’s at the heart of its culture and solutions. Today, companies investing in teamwork are five times more likely to be high-performing, so collaboration could be the difference between profit and loss. When compared to five years ago, an average information worker spends 50% […]

Niall Fitzmaurice

Niall Fitzmaurice

Former Business Applications Manager

a man and a woman sitting at a table
5 reasons why you should start using Microsoft Teams today

Collaboration and teamwork are the defining characteristic of modern organisations. Since its launch, Microsoft Teams has become the fastest growing app in Microsoft’s history with more than 330,000 companies worldwide using it. If you’re working in one of those companies, then you’re probably finding new ways to use the app on a daily basis. But […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Image of a large RTE sign at their HQ
Microsoft Teams has quickly spread across the RTÉ campus

Microsoft Teams has quickly spread across the RTÉ campus How an untapped resource in RTÉ helped dispersed teams collaborate and improve efficiency We recently worked with RTÉ to drive learning and collaboration. I was struck by how they have embraced Microsoft Teams and how they are now using it as a tool to drive information […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Image of a woman on her laptop in a coffee shop
Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland  

Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland   Kevin Mitnick, the famous hacker once said, “What I found personally to be true was that it’s easier to manipulate people rather than technology.” Digital transformation is enabling and transforming organisations, driving everything from employee productivity, to the ability to […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Helping Swedish leaders succeed with modern workplace solutions
Helping Swedish leaders succeed with modern workplace solutions

A lack of consistency will always make business more difficult. Ledarna, a trade union serving executives across Sweden, discovered this as its employee numbers swelled to over 170. Shifting from legacy tools and systems helped the company to streamline its processes and enhance collaboration, not to mention boosting security and opening up new opportunities for […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

iPhone showing Outlook Mobile emails
Stay connected and organised at work, at home and on the go with Outlook Mobile

Outlook Mobile was launched with a mission to deliver the best on-the-go email and calendar app.  An app combining the best possible customer experience with enterprise security – all designed uniquely for a mobile-first experience. Today, Outlook Mobile is used on more than 100 million iOS and Android devices and continues to receive high ratings. […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Etex uses modern tools to unite its business and better focus on customers

When it comes to construction, all components must come together in a timely manner in order to produce the optimum product. While Etex, a Belgian building solution manufacturing company, helps make this a reality on a day-to-day basis, it wanted to find a way to enhance productivity and collaboration internally. With locations across more than […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Woman with yellow hat calling
The business world doesn’t bend to a 9-5. That’s a good thing.

We’re so well connected today, teamwork needn’t ever stop. We’re in a new era of collaboration. And we’re sharing our dreams with our people, our clients, our friends and family – wherever, whenever. “Digital transformation is about the mobility of the human experience.” Satya Nadella, Microsoft CEO Changing expectations Today, we’re always on the move. Mobility is redefining […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Fitness24Seven: Flexing new muscle with Intelligent Communications

Fitness24Seven is one of Europe’s fastest growing fitness brands. But the company found itself needing to connect dispersed teams and improve information sharing. As Stefan Hult, Senior Consultant at Stratiteq explains: “each location was in their own little world. There was really no sort of connection across the entire company.” The solution: Simplicity and flexibility […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

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