Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Making digital culture a competitive advantage.


What lies Beneath the Surface of innovative educators like David Pollard
What lies Beneath the Surface of innovative educators like David Pollard

For busy business leaders and educators like David Pollard, Design Thinking Lecturer at UCD Innovation, the technology they use is imperative to their success. I have always found people like David really inspirational as his story shows that there’s not always one route to the career you want. While he didn’t always know where he […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Microsoft lies Beneath the Surface of an innovative Irish business ApisProtect
Microsoft lies Beneath the Surface of an innovative Irish business ApisProtect

ApisProtect, co-founded by Cork native Dr Fiona Edwards Murphy, brings the power of advanced sensors and AI (Artificial Intelligence)  to beekeepers around the world.   ApisProtect uses cutting-edge science, engineering, and advanced business processes to bring honey bee-saving technology to every corner of the globe. This Irish company has built an innovative system involving sensors, […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

What lies Beneath the Surface of a creativity-led business like Izzy Wheels
What lies Beneath the Surface of a creativity-led business like Izzy Wheels

Izzy Wheels, a business which designs wheel covers for wheelchair users, was founded by Galway sisters Ailbhe and Izzy Keane. Izzy, who was born with Spina Bifida, finds freedom in her wheelchair but felt it never expressed her personality—until her sister Ailbhe began using her talents in art and design to create colourful wheelchair covers […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Microsoft Surface + Microsoft Teams, updating a powerful combination
Microsoft Surface + Microsoft Teams, updating a powerful combination

The power of pairing a Microsoft Surface device with Microsoft Teams has never been more important than in the last year. We have been busy listening to users’ needs and implementing improvements and quality-of-life updates to make the experience better and more natural than ever. Watch all the updates in this short video series.   […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

a woman and child sitting at a table using a laptop
Changing the way we teach and learn with Microsoft Surface for Education

Now more than ever, our classrooms are evolving. Educators increasingly see the value in personalized learning, and are always searching for more effective ways for students to learn and collaborate – wherever they are. We have believed in these principles for years. It’s why we created Microsoft Surface for Education: a range of devices that […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Right down to business with innovation that inspires
Right down to business with innovation that inspires

In recent months, companies worldwide have been forced to consider more effective ways of working remotely. More and more people have had to swap the usual workplace for their kitchen, study or spare room. At Microsoft, we’ve been committed to the concept of remote working for many years. In fact, it’s why we invented platforms […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Designed for the ways you work: how to empower firstline workers
Designed for the ways you work: how to empower firstline workers

This year more than any, the way we work has changed. More businesses are reviewing how their firstline workers can continue to do what they do best, whether they’re working on site, in the field, or, as millions of others are, from home. However our working habits change, our firstline workers will always be the […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

a man and a woman standing in front of a computer
Surface Hub 2S: Teamwork without boundaries

Today. Yesterday. Tomorrow. In the modern workplace, every day is a new challenge. That’s what makes it so fun. Work today is dynamic and creative, which means variety, surprise, exploration. It means breaking boundaries and discovering new spaces and ways for people to interact and collaborate. Because through all the changes we’ve seen, it remains […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Retail worker helping a customer using a Surface Laptop
First Impressions Count – Increase New Customers Through the Face of Your Business

First Impressions Count – Increase New Customers Through the Face of Your Business   In such a fast-paced world, it really does all come down to first impressions. When you are running a company, it is crucial that the first interaction that your customers have with your business is a positive one in every way. […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Helping Swedish leaders succeed with modern workplace solutions
Helping Swedish leaders succeed with modern workplace solutions

A lack of consistency will always make business more difficult. Ledarna, a trade union serving executives across Sweden, discovered this as its employee numbers swelled to over 170. Shifting from legacy tools and systems helped the company to streamline its processes and enhance collaboration, not to mention boosting security and opening up new opportunities for […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Sofie Lindblom holding Surface Pro 6
Work and life. The ultimate collaboration.

The world is changing. Fast. It’s exciting. We believe that today there’s no room for compromise. It’s no longer about weighing up mobility against security, choosing between creativity and productivity or juggling your work and life – it’s about collaboration. Our priorities and our passions woven into one seamless story. Welcome to Work X Life: Everything about you, fitting perfectly together. Redefining Work x Life  By 2025, Millennials will […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

2 kids playing on a Surface Go
The Future of Work is Child’s Play

The Future of Work is Child’s Play In his very famous TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson argued that education needed to focus on stimulating creativity and imagination to equip future generations for a rapidly changing world. As part of our Surface Go launch, Microsoft asked Irish parents about how they viewed imagination, creativity, outdoor play […]

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

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