Helping Swedish leaders succeed with modern workplace solutions

Lisa Hunt

Lisa Hunt

Former Surface Business Group Lead

Read Time, 1 min.

A lack of consistency will always make business more difficult. Ledarna, a trade union serving executives across Sweden, discovered this as its employee numbers swelled to over 170. Shifting from legacy tools and systems helped the company to streamline its processes and enhance collaboration, not to mention boosting security and opening up new opportunities for innovation.

From better handling of sensitive and personal data to enable GDPR compliance, to empowering employees to communicate and collaborate more flexibly and effectively, Surface devices and Microsoft Office 365 have enhanced mobility and productivity at Ledarna. The IT team has benefited too, with a consistent set of devices and tools ridding them of time-consuming software updates as well as regular requests from employees, with support tickets reduced by over 30%.

“We know it’s working, because there’s silence. That means we don’t have a lot of support requests or users giving negative feedback. That’s an exciting improvement.”
Alex Tsarapatsanis, IT Architect, Ledarna

Read the full story of how Ledarna deployed Surface devices and Microsoft 365 to enable secure collaboration, empowering employees to achieve more.

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