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Cloud computing has been an exciting topic with great potential for Mobiliar from the very beginning. It is no wonder that this new technology prompted the company to realign its IT infrastructure. The goal: to replace outdated systems with innovative cloud solutions and implement agile methods across the board.

Mobiliar adopted agile working methods early on. „We introduced the approach of agile software development as early as 2016 to be able to adapt flexibly and quickly to new requirements and technological advances,“ says Andreas Grütter, Head of IT Architecture and responsible for digital transformation. To implement the new cloud strategy, teams from different organizational units of Mobiliar were assembled to drive the topic throughout the company. The initiative started with four so-called Agile Release Trains (ARTs) – large units consisting of several agile teams. Today, there are 16 ARTs with up to 160 self-organized teams continuously driving the cloud transformation.

Collaboration with Microsoft as Key to Success

The strategic partnership with Microsoft played a crucial role in implementing the cloud strategy. „As a long-time user of Office 365, we had already implemented all the necessary security foundations and were able to seamlessly integrate them into our cloud environment,“ says Grütter. The fact that Microsoft provides cloud services in Switzerland significantly contributed to the rapid implementation of the cloud strategy. „This was of great importance to us from a regulatory perspective to ensure compliance and provide our customers with the best possible data protection.“

Improved Customer Service through AI

A milestone in terms of time management was the integration of OpenAI Services. With the gradual introduction of the internal chatbot Mobi-ChatGPT, the efficiency and quality of customer service were significantly increased. The implementation was completed within a month, and after just two more months, the rollout across the entire organization was completed. Employees particularly benefit from the technology in their daily work: for example, the use of Mobi-ChatGPT in online claims reporting led to significant time savings. The AI-supported automation of claims classification simplified the reporting process and accelerated processing – without compromising the usual customer service.

Customer-Centric Technology for a Decentralized Organization

With 80 general agencies and over 160 locations in Switzerland, Mobiliar is highly decentralized. These general agencies are not only responsible for consulting and sales but also for claims processing. Around 90% of claims are processed decentrally, making efficient and supportive technologies all the more important. Cloud-based solutions help general agencies reduce administrative effort and make faster decisions. For example, regardless of the language and style in which the customer reports their claim, the AI converts the report into standardized insurance language, enabling quick solutions.

Efficiency Gains in Document Management

Cloud technology also offers significant advantages in document management. By using Microsoft Azure AI Document Intelligence, insurance conditions can be digitized and easily searchable for employees. This facilitates answering insurance questions and significantly improves decision-making. „By combining Microsoft Azure AI Document Intelligence and Azure OpenAI Service, we can offer our customers a significantly higher level of service,“ emphasizes Grütter.

Strategic Collaboration for More Innovation

At a strategic level, Mobiliar continuously develops new innovations together with Microsoft. This close exchange ensures that Andreas Grütter and his team are always up to date with the latest technology. „The possibilities in the cloud are enormous, and there are always more ideas than capacities to implement them,“ says Grütter. „We consider step by step where to focus our implementation efforts to generate the greatest possible benefit despite limited capacity.“

Mobiliar recognized the potential of cloud computing early on and successfully implemented it in the company. This shows that we are always at the cutting edge. Microsoft’s AI solutions have led to noticeable process optimization and a significant improvement in service quality at Mobiliar.


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Die „Fabrik der Zukunft“ erstreckt sich auf mehr als nur die Produktion, um die vernetzte Fertigungsinfrastruktur zu transformieren – von Forschung und Entwicklung bis hin zur Lieferkette.

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