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GitHub Copilot at Bankdata: A Great Developer Experience Increases Our Ability to Build and Transform Applications
GitHub Copilot at Bankdata: A Great Developer Experience Increases Our Ability to Build and Transform Applications

With the implementation of GitHub and most recently GitHub Copilot, Bankdata has elevated its code developing skills to a new level. The AI tools have significantly optimized workflows and increase both job satisfaction and efficiency in software development. In collaboration with Microsoft, Bankdata ran a pilot project initially with GitHub and later with Copilot for […]

Dardan Dashaj

Dardan Dashaj

Go To Market Lead - Azure

NIRAS uses Copilot for Microsoft 365 to build productivity and engagement success
NIRAS uses Copilot for Microsoft 365 to build productivity and engagement success

NIRAS is a value-driven, multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy fundamentally committed to sustainable progress and service delivery. The Copenhagen-headquartered business has more than 3,000 employees located in 61 offices around the world. Together, they have successfully delivered over 7,000 projects.  Can artificial intelligence ameliorate the talent shortage?  “One of our main challenges,” admits Claus Birkholm, CIO and […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Energinet expects to Triple Electricity and Gas Capacity with AI
Energinet expects to Triple Electricity and Gas Capacity with AI

Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. They own, operate and develop the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark and aim to triple their capacity within a few years. Therefore, they have integrated AI into a wide range of processes and now, they are […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Arla Foods: Insights from testing Copilot for Microsoft 365
Arla Foods: Insights from testing Copilot for Microsoft 365

Arla Foods, a leading international dairy company, worked with Microsoft on Copilot for Microsoft 365 to explore potential gains in productivity, quality, and well-being among its workforce. Digital Change Lead, Anna Kristensen, and Transformation Management Officer, Kasper Fænø Bay Noer, share their insights into the test process, challenges, and the strategic approach in integrating Copilot […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Empowering Digital Transformation with the AI Acceleration Program
Empowering Digital Transformation with the AI Acceleration Program

In the past year, I have seen AI technology make significant strides. However, many organizations still struggle to fully leverage AI to achieve their business goals. In fact, 61% of companies believe that AI is a game changer for their industry, but only 11% have made significant progress in digital transformation. Our Microsoft AI Acceleration […]

Jacob Engsig

Jacob Engsig

Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

DSB: Copilot for M365 kan skabe unik værdi for vores medarbejdere, men er endnu ikke en schweizerkniv
DSB: Copilot for M365 kan skabe unik værdi for vores medarbejdere, men er endnu ikke en schweizerkniv

Fotograf Christina Henriksen / DSB ”Drømmescenariet er, at vi med værktøjer som Copilot for M365 og generativ AI i almindelighed kan skabe gladere medarbejdere, fordi de bruger deres tid på det, der er vigtigt og overlader resten til digitale assistenter”, indleder Ingrid Hagberg, som er Senior Projektleder i DSBs strategiafdeling. ”Samtidig er vi meget opmærksomme […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Shedding light on the best of what’s next in technology at the first-ever Microsoft Ignite Denmark
Shedding light on the best of what’s next in technology at the first-ever Microsoft Ignite Denmark

At Microsoft Ignite Denmark local tech leaders and Microsoft experts were invited to explore the latest innovations in AI. From immersive breakout sessions to excellent networking opportunities, participants gained insights into leveraging state-of-the-art AI advancements for enhanced productivity and collaboration within their organizations. On March 21st, the very first edition of Microsoft Ignite Denmark 2024 […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption
Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption

Photographer Kurt Hoppe and Realdania By & Byg How Implement Consulting Group has championed Copilot for M365 adoption, enhancing AI-driven efficiency and quality in daily work Today, generative AI is not just knocking at the door; it has already taken center stage, reshaping industries, and altering the approaches to problem-solving and innovation. Global consultancy company […]

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Partner Technology Strategist

Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger
Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger

Globeteam besluttede i 2023 at samle al management af deres kunders it-platforme ét sted for kontinuerligt at optimere IT driften og forbedre kundetilfredshed. Udgangspunktet for at dét lykkes er at anvende Azure som management platform, og at Azure Arc enable workloads uanset, hvor disse er placeret.   “Vores passionerede vision er nu blevet til virkelighed, […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Streamlining Complex Tenders: NIRAS’ Technological Leap with Microsoft Azure
Streamlining Complex Tenders: NIRAS’ Technological Leap with Microsoft Azure

In the competitive world of engineering consultancy, standing out is crucial. NIRAS, an industry leader, has turned to Microsoft Azure OpenAI to improve their approach to extensive tender processes. With a focus on innovation and staying ahead of technological trends, NIRAS has embraced Azure’s powerful AI capabilities to automate and optimize operations, ensuring they’re not […]

Dardan Dashaj

Dardan Dashaj

Go To Market Lead - Azure

Navigating the AI Era: How Microsoft Azure is Redefining Software Development
Navigating the AI Era: How Microsoft Azure is Redefining Software Development

As organizations increasingly integrate AI into their core business, emphasis on unlocking the full potential of AI and adapting new developments is getting more vital. At Microsoft Build: AI Day on February 29th, we discovered how organizations can infuse responsible AI practices and drive productivity and collaboration by utilizing GPT-4 Turbo with Vision and GitHub […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Boosting Efficiency with Microsoft Fabric: Unifying Data Silos through Machine Learning and Insights
Boosting Efficiency with Microsoft Fabric: Unifying Data Silos through Machine Learning and Insights

For the past decade, organizations have faced numerous challenges in dealing with the staggering rates of data as they have raced to become more data driven. But, thanks to technological advancements and new innovative solutions, organizations can now leverage Microsoft Fabric and AI-powered analytics tools to enhance their data-driven approach. On November 1st, Microsoft Denmark […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

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