Navigating the AI Era: How Microsoft Azure is Redefining Software Development

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Læsetid, 3 min.

As organizations increasingly integrate AI into their core business, emphasis on unlocking the full potential of AI and adapting new developments is getting more vital. At Microsoft Build: AI Day on February 29th, we discovered how organizations can infuse responsible AI practices and drive productivity and collaboration by utilizing GPT-4 Turbo with Vision and GitHub through Microsoft Azure.

On February 29, 2024, a broad spectrum of organizations convened at Microsoft Denmark’s headquarters to explore the latest innovations in AI, connect with Microsoft engineers and industry experts, and advance their knowledge and skills.

Unveiling the Potential of Generative AI


Director of Azure Cloud & AI at Microsoft Norway, Jon Jahren, opened the event with insights into recent AI breakthroughs, highlighting the integration of GPT-4 Turbo with Vision into the Azure OpenAI Service. The model marks a leap in AI’s cognitive abilities, offering both natural language processing and visual understanding, allowing it to analyze images and provide textual responses to questions about them.

“We now have an AI model that can not only read and write but also talk, hear, see, and produce images. This gives us a lot of new possibilities.”

– Jon Jahren, Director of Azure Cloud & AI at Microsoft Norway

Rounding off, Jon Jahren detailed the key aspects of effectively integrating generative AI into your organization. These include aligning the capabilities of the large language model (LLM) with organizational needs, comprehending risks, implementing appropriate safeguards, and ensuring the accuracy of grounding data to prevent model inaccuracies. Application Innovation Technical Specialist at Microsoft, Lif Neergaard, continued the conversation by introducing Azure AI Studio, which is currently available in preview.

“We took all the great questions from our developers and asked them how we could make their job easier. As a result, we introduced Azure AI Studio.”

– Lif Neergaard, Jon Jahren, Director of Azure Cloud & AI at Microsoft Norway

Azure AI Studio is designed to simplify generative AI application development, leveraging OpenAI models such as GPT-4, alongside a wide array of other models and services. Lif Neergaard further showcased how Azure AI Studio brings together diverse AI models, services, and other tools in one place, helping developers seamlessly navigate the complexities of generative AI.

Coding Collaboration with GitHub

Cloud Solution Engineer at GitHub, Jonas Helin, took the stage to demonstrate how GitHub, the Azure compatible, cloud-based developer platform, enhances collaboration and coding efficiency. By streamlining the coding process with command-line tools and intuitive workflows, GitHub allows developers to work together more effectively and write code smarter and faster. During his presentation, Jonas Helin highlighted GitHub Copilot’s capabilities and shared expert tips for extracting maximum benefit from it, focusing on crafting precise prompts, and recognizing the limitations of LLMs. 

“When working with an LLM like GitHub Copilot you always must be specific and short. By giving effective prompts, you drastically enhance your chances of getting better outputs.”  

– Jonas Helin, Cloud Solution Engineer at GitHub 

The event also featured a session on next generation of LLM Agents by Senior Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft, Dawei Yao, and inspirational insights on the future of AI by NVIDIA’s Nordic Healthcare Lead & Regional Business Lead, Rasmus Bisgaard. Altogether the event gave insights into how organizations can leverage state-of-the-art technologies through Microsoft Azure to enhance productivity and collaboration, while also providing expert tips and insights on how organizations can deploy AI responsibly and what to expect from the next generation of AI.  

Would you like to take part in one of our upcoming events? See and sign up for our next digital or in-person events here: 

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