A smiling man wearing a gray shirt while looking up.
Read Time, 2 min.

In 2001: A Space Odyssey, Stanley Kubrick created one of the most striking images of human progress to ever hit the silver screen. The famous edit that cut from the image of a bone thrown by a group of apes to a spaceship orbiting the planet mesmerised audiences with its simple communication of a complex idea. The message was clear and profound: progress is unstoppable.

Cut to 2019 and that same message rings true. The world turns on its axis. Start-ups disrupt staid landscapes. An individual has an idea and entire industries change forever. Groups of innovators affect profound change, driven by the mantra that if you’re standing still, then you’re moving backwards.

An idea that changes everything

As in Kubrick’s masterpiece, the ideas that spark seismic change are often realised in an instant. Glimpsed by the enlightened, seized on by the expectant and prepared. Progress is driven by people with eyes wide open. People who realise the true power of the tools at their disposal and are hungry to use them to unlock new and unexplored territories.

In business, the success of new ideas depends on how quickly they can be adopted. The better the idea, the more seamlessly it integrates, unlocking new ways of working with the latest technologies, solutions and insights. Crumbling legacy systems, silos of information and old, outdated processes are phased out – a new era of connectivity is ushered in. Suddenly, products, people, and data come together in meaningful ways – all in real time.

It just fits. And everything changes.

Unlock next

They say that fortune favours the bold, and there are many cases throughout human history when this has been true. Yet it is equally true that fortune favours the informed, the connected, the unified and involved.

This is Dynamics 365. A completely new approach to digital transformation. One that removes silos with a simple, end-to-end solution that integrates seamlessly, empowering users with deep business intelligence and unlocking new opportunities to do more with your data. Actionable insights are revealed, bringing together company and customer. Patient and provider. Factory and field service. People and government. Storefront and supply chain. Without silos. Without limits. Just customers, products, people and data… connected and ready. It’s transformation – on your terms.

A new era has arrived. This is the tool to unlock it.

Free eBook: The Savvy Leader's Guide to Real-Time Insights

Discover how to digitally transform your organisation and achieve greater business outcomes by enabling business intelligence

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