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Microsoft and Connect at Catalyst Inc

It’s an exciting time to be working in the technology sector in Northern Ireland. More than ever before we’re seeing increased numbers of entrepreneurs, start-up businesses, and indeed multinationals setting up in the North. Working together and learning from each other encourages a strong technology ecosystem and ultimately yields more successful outcomes for all involved.

Connect at Catalyst Inc has been at the centre of this innovation wave in Northern Ireland, encouraging creation, collaboration, and scaling of businesses for many years. Now Microsoft is delighted to be joining Connect as a Platinum Member, bringing our expertise and technology to accelerate the development of the innovation community across Northern Ireland.

At Microsoft, our mission is to empower every person and organisation to do and achieve more, not just here in Ireland, but right across the world, using the power of technology. With Microsoft working alongside Connect at Catalyst Inc, we’ll be able to help developing businesses with improved access to Microsoft’s trusted cloud and Artificial Intelligence services and solutions. We’ll also be able to bring to bear our greatest assets at Microsoft—our people—and share insights and knowledge that we’ve gathered from our own experiences.

Microsoft has its Belfast office physically located in the Catalyst Inc site (formerly the Northern Ireland Science Park) so we are already well placed to hit the ground running and we are excited to join Connect at Catalyst Inc to work more closely with the local entrepreneur and start-up community. Microsoft has been at the centre of the revolutionary changes that technology has brought to every aspect of our lives and we’ll be at the centre of tomorrow’s transformations as well.

We have already established a strong relationship with the tech community in the Republic of Ireland, working alongside accelerators, developers, universities, and start-ups, and we are excited that it is now time to build on this collaboration by extending this into Northern Ireland.


Kieran McCorry, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Ireland

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