Security & Privacy

Security & Privacy

We recognize privacy as a fundamental human right. We work to preserve your ability to control your data and make informed choices to protect your privacy and identity. Discover Security and Privacy best practices and how we can help you and your company in the journey to GDPR compliance.

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Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape in Ireland: 2023 Insights and Actions
Navigating the Cybersecurity Landscape in Ireland: 2023 Insights and Actions

In the fast-evolving cyber landscape in Ireland, organisations are susceptible and vulnerable to attack, as highlighted by our new ‘Cybersecurity Trends in Ireland 2023’ report. This exploration of the experiences of c-suite executives operating in Ireland delves into the nuanced realm of cybersecurity trends in 2023, shedding light on prevalent challenges, emerging technologies, and the […]

Kieran McCorry

Kieran McCorry

National Technology Officer

Cyber Signals: Defending against cyberthreats with the latest research, insights, and trends
Cyber Signals: Defending against cyberthreats with the latest research, insights, and trends

We’re excited to introduce Cyber Signals a cyberthreat intelligence brief informed by the latest Microsoft threat data and research. This content, which will be released quarterly, offers an expert perspective into the current threat landscape, discussing trending tactics, techniques, and strategies used by the world’s most prolific threat actors. As such, we hope it’s a valuable resource to Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Privacy […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Why trust is the essential ingredient in healthcare digital transformation.

My phone had scarcely stopped ringing for weeks. Now it was ringing again. “Veronica,” said the voice at the other end, “we have an idea!” Immediately, I recognized who it was. I’ve known Carlo Tacchetti for almost as long as I’ve been at Microsoft. He’s a professor at the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University and the […]

Veronica Jagher

Veronica Jagher

Health Market Director, Microsoft Western Europe

a close up of a brick wall
What I’ve learned about public sector digital transformation and trust.

“Oh that must be challenging.” …is what people sometimes say when I tell them about my role in public sector digital transformation. They then give me their impression of public services as too large and slow-moving. Well, in some ways they’re right. The public sector has a solemn duty to help citizens lead healthier, intellectually […]

Elena Casas

Elena Casas

Digital Transformation Lead, Public Sector, Western Europe

Our commitment to privacy and security in Microsoft Teams
Our commitment to privacy and security in Microsoft Teams

Now more than ever, video conferencing has become a huge part of our daily life and work. My team and I at Microsoft have adjusted to the new reality of seeing each other’s homes, complete with dogs, cats and other family members. Everyone around the world is now working, learning, and connecting with colleagues, friends […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is helping its employees to work from home
The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is helping its employees to work from home

From Milan to Puget Sound, tens of thousands of Microsoft employees have begun working from home as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Many of our customers have asked us to share the details of how we enable collaboration and remote working for such a large workforce. Here are the nine most important factors from a compliance […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Two people sitting and standing in front of a computer
How to disarm the threat of Shadow IT

One of the biggest threats to business security comes from within. Are you equipped to deal with the threat of shadow IT? Microsoft’s extensive Work Reworked report shows that with change becoming the new norm for businesses everywhere, the challenges to security lie not just from outside the organisation but also from within. Throwing open […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

SMB employee working remotely from an airport
Don’t let IT get in the way of your growth

Today’s small businesses face enough challenges without IT being a barrier to their success. But how do you make sure your system is a help and not a hindrance? As consumers, we demand seamless connectivity to give us whatever we need, wherever we need it. It is an attitude that most of us take into the workplace. We expect to use tools intuitively and expand our knowledge with the minimum of effort. So, if you […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Camille Desrosiers sitting on a bus
What’s your company’s cybersecurity score?

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Fortune 500 company or a local bakery – today, cyberattacks threaten organisations of every size in every sector. And they can be costly to recover from. Attacks often damage brand reputation and cause significant disruption to productivity, which is why it’s so important to protect against cybercriminals. But in […]

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

A room with Cyber defense operatins Center written on the floor
Ransomware and Malware attacks decline in 2018, as cyber criminals increasingly look to exploit people online using methods such as Phishing and Cryptocurrency Mining

Ransomware and Malware attacks decline in 2018, as cyber criminals increasingly look to exploit people online using methods such as Phishing and Cryptocurrency Mining The world has never been more connected than it is today with figures showing that nine out of ten European households are online. But when everything is connected, everything can also […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Sofie Lindblom sat with Surface device in boardroom
200 billion reasons why companies must face up to the challenge of cyber security

200 billion. That’s how many connected devices there will be worldwide by 2021. It’s an incredible number – and one that’s going to have massive implications for the way we live and work. Today, everyone is mobile. We can work from anywhere and share our work and our passions seamlessly from device to device. The office cubicle is a relic; work has never been so fluid. It’s a wonderful thing – but it creates a big challenge. Security. […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Image of a woman on her laptop in a coffee shop
Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland  

Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland   Kevin Mitnick, the famous hacker once said, “What I found personally to be true was that it’s easier to manipulate people rather than technology.” Digital transformation is enabling and transforming organisations, driving everything from employee productivity, to the ability to […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

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