Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Marketing professional with passion for innovative and data driven digital marketing. 


Our commitment to privacy and security in Microsoft Teams
Our commitment to privacy and security in Microsoft Teams

Now more than ever, video conferencing has become a huge part of our daily life and work. My team and I at Microsoft have adjusted to the new reality of seeing each other’s homes, complete with dogs, cats and other family members. Everyone around the world is now working, learning, and connecting with colleagues, friends […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is helping its employees to work from home
The top 9 ways Microsoft IT is helping its employees to work from home

From Milan to Puget Sound, tens of thousands of Microsoft employees have begun working from home as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. Many of our customers have asked us to share the details of how we enable collaboration and remote working for such a large workforce. Here are the nine most important factors from a compliance […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

A boat in Soderhammns
Risky, unsecure file sharing inspired this government. Here’s why.

“This file is too large to send.” We’ve all done it. When time is of the essence, and a large file won’t go where we want it to go, risky public file-transfer methods are suddenly a very appealing option. Security goes out the door in place of convenience. For local governments this creates a systemic […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Sofie Lindblom sat with Surface device in boardroom
200 billion reasons why companies must face up to the challenge of cyber security

200 billion. That’s how many connected devices there will be worldwide by 2021. It’s an incredible number – and one that’s going to have massive implications for the way we live and work. Today, everyone is mobile. We can work from anywhere and share our work and our passions seamlessly from device to device. The office cubicle is a relic; work has never been so fluid. It’s a wonderful thing – but it creates a big challenge. Security. […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Why unplugging from work is more work than we think
Why unplugging from work is more work than we think

Even when employees don’t work after hours, research shows they are worrying about it. Microsoft data tools are helping people find balance.

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Store staff llooking and pointing at screen
Helping store staff rise to the challenge of creating world-class experiences

Consumers have more information and choice than ever. That’s why shopping experiences provide an opportunity to differentiate and delight customers – rather than competing on cost alone. The digital shopping revolution has given us access to companies and information that was unimaginable two decades ago – and it has raised our expectations of bricks-and-mortar retailers […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Sofie using Surface in airport lounge
Why technology is key to keeping a creative team connected

The one-size-fits-all approach no longer works. Set working hours and rigidly defined job roles are out; flexibility and creativity are in. Everybody wants a ‘fluid’ workplace, where the boundaries between our work and our passions are blurred. Work should be fun. It should be empowering. It should be fulfilling. Defining how, where and when you work is a huge pull for talented […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Why a Modern Desktop should matter to your organization
Why a Modern Desktop should matter to your organization

Success is about people. Business leaders recognize that people are central to how their companies operate and empowering people is imperative to innovate and grow in any competitive landscape. Implementing a Modern Workplace should not be considered a “nice to have” – but a top priority. And people love their PCs! Mobile phones are great […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Peace of mind when it comes to privacy and security
Peace of mind when it comes to privacy and security

“Safely stored in the cloud, compliant and protected by best-in-class security: your data, and the tools you use to harness it, can truly empower your business.” The world is inherently more dangerous than it has ever been, and the cyber threats we face are becoming more sophisticated. Today, any device is a potential route into […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

Windows & Security
The security nightmare in the way of your business dream 

Cyber-security is a hot topic, and for good reason. Small and medium-sized businesses often, mistakenly, think they’re safe. Find out why upgrading to Windows 10 should be a top priority. As a business owner, the decisions you make could determine the future of your business. Like upgrading your operating system. Using out-of-date software could leave […]

Johanna Winqvist

Johanna Winqvist

Microsoft, Modern Workplace

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