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With the implementation of GitHub and most recently GitHub Copilot, Bankdata has elevated its code developing skills to a new level. The AI tools have significantly optimized workflows and increase both job satisfaction and efficiency in software development. In collaboration with Microsoft, Bankdata ran a pilot project initially with GitHub and later with Copilot for […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

NIRAS is a value-driven, multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy fundamentally committed to sustainable progress and service delivery. The Copenhagen-headquartered business has more than 3,000 employees located in 61 offices around the world. Together, they have successfully delivered over 7,000 projects. Can artificial intelligence ameliorate the talent shortage? “One of our main challenges,” admits Claus Birkholm, CIO and […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Energinet is an independent public enterprise owned by the Danish Ministry of Climate and Energy. They own, operate and develop the transmission systems for electricity and natural gas in Denmark and aim to triple their capacity within a few years. Therefore, they have integrated AI into a wide range of processes and now, they are […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Arla Foods, a leading international dairy company, worked with Microsoft on Copilot for Microsoft 365 to explore potential gains in productivity, quality, and well-being among its workforce. Digital Change Lead, Anna Kristensen, and Transformation Management Officer, Kasper Fænø Bay Noer, share their insights into the test process, challenges, and the strategic approach in integrating Copilot […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Nyt projekt på Rigshospitalet bruger AI til de svære spørgsmål for patienter med mistanke om skjoldbruskkirtelkræft. En chatbot som blandt andet er udviklet i samarbejde med 2021.AI og Microsoft, skal både aflaste medarbejderne og gøre patienterne klogere på deres sygdom. Perspektivet er gigantisk, for tanken er at folde lignende projekter ud i alle dele af […]

Morten Skøtt
Head of Communication

The merger of Danish insurance companies Alm. Brand and Codan has created one of the largest insurance groups in Denmark, bringing together more than 700,000 customers in the new Alm. Brand Group. Through their future IT landscape – named ‘The Insurance Platform of the Future’ – Alm. Brand Group will develop and provide insurance solutions […]

Jurate Beniulyte
Go To Market Lead - Security

Photographer Kurt Hoppe and Realdania By & Byg How Implement Consulting Group has championed Copilot for M365 adoption, enhancing AI-driven efficiency and quality in daily work Today, generative AI is not just knocking at the door; it has already taken center stage, reshaping industries, and altering the approaches to problem-solving and innovation. Global consultancy company […]

Emilie Bendix Olsen
Partner Technology Strategist

Globeteam besluttede i 2023 at samle al management af deres kunders it-platforme ét sted for kontinuerligt at optimere IT driften og forbedre kundetilfredshed. Udgangspunktet for at dét lykkes er at anvende Azure som management platform, og at Azure Arc enable workloads uanset, hvor disse er placeret. “Vores passionerede vision er nu blevet til virkelighed, […]

Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland
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