Teknologi og livsstil

Teknologi og livsstil

Opdag, hvordan ny teknologi og innovativ software viser bedre måder at få dine devices til at interagere, uanset hvor du er, eller hvad du skal lave.

Ingen tilgængelige artikler endnu

Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft
Elevating Cybersecurity in Mergers: How Alm. Brand Group Unified IT Security with Microsoft

The merger of Danish insurance companies Alm. Brand and Codan has created one of the largest insurance groups in Denmark, bringing together more than 700,000 customers in the new Alm. Brand Group. Through their future IT landscape – named ‘The Insurance Platform of the Future’ – Alm. Brand Group will develop and provide insurance solutions […]

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption
Succeeding with AI means succeeding with adoption

Photographer Kurt Hoppe and Realdania By & Byg How Implement Consulting Group has championed Copilot for M365 adoption, enhancing AI-driven efficiency and quality in daily work Today, generative AI is not just knocking at the door; it has already taken center stage, reshaping industries, and altering the approaches to problem-solving and innovation. Global consultancy company […]

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Emilie Bendix Olsen

Partner Technology Strategist

Overblik og samarbejde er vejen til en cybersikker offentlig sektor
Overblik og samarbejde er vejen til en cybersikker offentlig sektor

I en tid hvor den digital transformation sker i en hidtil uset skala, står alle typer og størrelser af organisationer over for en lang række prioriteringer som har direkte indflydelse på deres cybersikkerhed – her er offentlige institutioner ingen undtagelse. Den 2. november samlede Microsoft Danmark derfor branchefolk og eksperter til et arrangement med plads […]

Jurate Beniulyte

Jurate Beniulyte

Go To Market Lead - Security

Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger
Globeteam har med Microsoft Azure Arc skabt en moderne hybrid management platform til drift af deres kunder, som gør det muligt at øge kundetilfredsheden og samtidig sænke omkostninger

Globeteam besluttede i 2023 at samle al management af deres kunders it-platforme ét sted for kontinuerligt at optimere IT driften og forbedre kundetilfredshed. Udgangspunktet for at dét lykkes er at anvende Azure som management platform, og at Azure Arc enable workloads uanset, hvor disse er placeret.   “Vores passionerede vision er nu blevet til virkelighed, […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Navigating the AI Era: How Microsoft Azure is Redefining Software Development
Navigating the AI Era: How Microsoft Azure is Redefining Software Development

As organizations increasingly integrate AI into their core business, emphasis on unlocking the full potential of AI and adapting new developments is getting more vital. At Microsoft Build: AI Day on February 29th, we discovered how organizations can infuse responsible AI practices and drive productivity and collaboration by utilizing GPT-4 Turbo with Vision and GitHub […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Boosting Efficiency with Microsoft Fabric: Unifying Data Silos through Machine Learning and Insights
Boosting Efficiency with Microsoft Fabric: Unifying Data Silos through Machine Learning and Insights

For the past decade, organizations have faced numerous challenges in dealing with the staggering rates of data as they have raced to become more data driven. But, thanks to technological advancements and new innovative solutions, organizations can now leverage Microsoft Fabric and AI-powered analytics tools to enhance their data-driven approach. On November 1st, Microsoft Denmark […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Revolutionizing Remote Work: How Microsoft Teams Phone Mobile Connects the World
Revolutionizing Remote Work: How Microsoft Teams Phone Mobile Connects the World

In an age of constant movement, harnessing the power of mobile technology is essential. Explore how Microsoft’s Teams Phone Mobile is revolutionizing connectivity, enhancing productivity, and shaping the future of remote work.   In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected and productive on the move is crucial. Microsoft’s recent online seminar, held on September 20th at […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

Workshop at Microsoft Denmark
Leveraging the power of Windows 365 Cloud PC to meet hybrid workforce needs

Since the launch of the virtual desktop solution of Microsoft Windows 365 in August 2021, the Enterprise platform has received much interest. Now, approaching the second anniversary of its release, Windows 365 Cloud PC is better and more accessible for organizations than ever before. On March 14, 2023, Microsoft Denmark hosted a workshop at the […]

Kit Ingwersen

Kit Ingwersen

Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

5 people on stage
Microsoft Security Day 2023: Strengthening the Security Posture of Modern Organizations

Cyber threats against critical infrastructure are rising with the emergence of the Internet of Things, Operational Technologies, and the evolution of malware. This development introduces new vulnerabilities to organizations, and thus, taking measures to prevent cyber-attacks is more critical than ever before. But what are the actions we need to take? And how to keep […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

A woman looking at a computer
A New Office: How Windows 365 Helps Danish Companies Stay Global

For decades people have adapted to technology. But with the development in modern lifestyle, hybrid work models, and increased focus on work/life balance it seems tech now must adapt to the new needs of both companies and people. Recently, Microsoft Denmark invited selected IT professionals to INCUBA in Aarhus to discuss the potential of one […]

Maria  Galvez

Maria Galvez

CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Brønderslev Kommune i digital oprustning: Distrikt Syd investerer i spritnye Microsoft Surface Pro-enheder til samtlige skoleansatte
Brønderslev Kommune i digital oprustning: Distrikt Syd investerer i spritnye Microsoft Surface Pro-enheder til samtlige skoleansatte

Distrikt Syd i Brønderslev Kommune har for nylig indkøbt nye Microsoft Surface Pro-enheder til alle lærere, pædagoger, ledere og det administrative personale. Der findes ikke en computer, der er mere egnet til skoleverdenens behov, lyder argumentet fra den indkøbsansvarlige, som lægger vægt på maskinernes performance, robusthed, brugervenlighed og omtanke for miljøet. Da tiden nærmede sig, […]

Microsoft Uddannelse

Microsoft Uddannelse

Vi brænder for teknologi der gør undervisningen bedre

Trine Bramsen et al. står foran en bygning
Microsoft Security Day: Hackerangreb rammer alle

Det tager gennemsnitligt mere end 100 dage før en virksomhed opdager, at den er blevet hacket. Angrebene koster formuer og ødelægger både samfund og organisationer. For at blive klogere på udfordringerne og løsningerne, debatterede eksperter, den danske forsvarsminister og virksomheder cybersikkerhed på det virtuelle event Microsoft Security Day den 25. marts 2021. Hackerne er smartere, […]

Isabella Oliver

Isabella Oliver

Social Lead

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