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Flux memorylane
Lukuaika, 3 min.
  1. First Event – Emotionhack
    We’ve hosted various events in Flux since the beginning. The first one we hosted, and tested our space with, was Emotionhack where coders, designers, scientists and enthusiasts got together to explore and hack around empathy online.


  1. In-House applications start rolling in
    We’ve been supporting early stage companies get up and running with their business. Validating their idea, building their team and business model, and getting their first customers – or deciding to pivot.


  1. Flux turns one – The honeymoon is not over
    Ever since we started, we had sceptics, some folks telling us “It’s not gonna last long. Soon the honeymoon will be over”. However, during the first year we hosted over 300 community events, met many enthusiasts and of course…hosted the coldest party of the year.


  1. The first Turbopump batch heads to Sweden
    With Turbopump we started exploring how can we do our part in helping Finnish companies scale to new markets and leverage the global Microsoft network to reach new customers. Together we explored the opportunities in Stockholm and Berlin.


  1. We started hosting Flux Sessions
    Flux sessions are series of events that we started running to help new entrepreneurs understand the local ecosystem, get legal coaching, tips for talking to investors and of course hearing the experiences of other entrepreneurs.


  1. Providing access and visibility at Slush
    We continued our tradition from the previous year, by providing again hundreds of tickets for entrepreneurs to participate in Slush. We also supported our in-house companies by providing them with a startup booth and helping them prepare for the event, to reach their goals.


  1. Received the Startup Hero award from City of Helsinki
    Flux was recognized for the work in developing communality and the startup ecosystem in Helsinki. Our community was recognized as warm and welcoming for all.


  1. Screenful wins Arctic15 Funding Program
    Hats off for Sami and Tuomas for their hard work, attitude and versatility. It’s an amazing feat: winning the A15 Funding Program and receiving a 115K€ investment from a consortium of top-notch Finnish business angels. Congratulations!


  1. Day 0 – Partnering with Microsoft for Startups
    Flux brought the global Microsoft for Startups team from Europe, US and Australia to Finland to share their learnings and experiences on building scalable tech startups. It was also a great opportunity to meet with the local communities and build relationships.


  1. Meeshkan wins Slush 100
    We’re proud that we could be a part of Meeshkan’s journey. We’ve seen them face challenges, celebrate victories, close deals and grow as a team. One final time: Congratulations Mike, Megan, Idan and Kimmo. תודה לך ואת הנסיעה היטב!


  1. Decentralizing Flux
    It’s bittersweet. We’re closing the Flux premises as they currently are. And all we want to do is to… use some hype words. Decentralizing Flux for us means that tomorrow you’ll find bits and pieces of Flux continue their life and mission in different parts of the Helsinki ecosystem. You’ll find most of our comfortable and colorful furniture at The Shortcut, where you’ll also find us joining them on training more cloud professionals to join the Finnish startups. At Maria 01 you’ll meet some of the Microsoft team and in our monthly sessions, you’ll be able to hear from the London ScaleUp team stories from the trenches and how they can help you scale to international markets and access enterprise customers.

Maksuton raportti: Miten teknologia auttaa liiketoimintaa ideoiden arvon maksimoinnissa

Edistä parempaa työympäristöä, jossa työntekijöillä on keinot ja voimavarat uudenlaisen ajattelun luomiseen

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