Is after hours work destroying your productivity (and health)?

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Read Time, 1 min.

Are you at risk of getting burned out at work?

After a full day of work, you leave the office, only to be bombarded with a stream of emails from colleagues, customers and managers, requiring attention. So, you arrive home, say hello to spouse and kids, have a quick dinner, and start answering emails…. Sound familiar?

Work x Life

As technology increasingly enables productivity on the go, the “work anywhere, anytime, anyplace” ethic is becoming the norm in more and more industries – and it’s becoming harder for employees to find the right work-life balance.

Can technology play a role in helping us achieve the ultimate goal of work-life balance? How can we use personal workplace analytics to be more productive in the office, while protecting our valuable time at home?


In order to give employees a better understanding of how after-hours activities may impact personal productivity and stress, intelligent software like MyAnalytics allows for near real-time metrics that help employees better understand how much time they spend at home, while providing insights to help them properly separate work time from personal time.

While advancements in technology have led to fewer boundaries between work and personal time, there’s still hope for finding a balance that helps people be more productive throughout the day. Intelligent technologies and people can work together to help reclaim precious time, helping employees live richer and healthier lives.

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