9 ways to turn your field service centre into a profit centre

Tuulia Sinijarvi

Tuulia Sinijarvi

Microsoft, Business Apps

Read Time, 1 min.

A service that generates more profit than cost: it’s the ultimate goal for any organisation. We’ve listed a few tips below to help you make this dream a reality.

1. Know what you’ve got to offer

Knowing what you’ve got to offer and knowing how (potential) customers view your story are important elements in marketing your product or service. To find out, just ask yourself these questions: “What would we like our customers to say about us?” and “What are we better at than other businesses in our sector?”

2. Deliver great customer experience and strengthen your relationships

A great product alone isn’t enough to build a permanent base of satisfied customers. Knowing who you’re dealing with is important for customer experience and customer relationships too. By storing customer information, you can send personalised offers or even surprise a customer on their birthday.

3. Focus on productivity through more effective collaboration

A lot of our time is wasted on emails and meetings about what we should be doing, instead of actually doing what we should be doing. Programs such as Skype, Teams and OneDrive help us to collaborate on documents and hold meetings more effectively without leaving our desks. By working in more effective ways, we’re creating more time for what’s really important: our customers.

Need more inspiration?

There are more ways than just these three to make your organisation a profitable one. Our free e-book ‘9 ways to turn your field service center into a profit centre’ tells you everything you need to know.

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