People standing and smiling to the camera

Modern Digital Workplace: Driving successful and secure modern device management 

Isabella Oliver

Isabella Oliver

Social Lead

Læsetid, 4 min.

Since the pandemic, more and more organizations are joining the modern, digital workplace. This requires a changed approach to device management. But what does it take to implement a modern management approach and what are the demands of the digital organization?

Covid-19 brought many changes, and since the reopening organizations have had to rethink organizational structures and operating models. For many organizations, it has been necessary to adopt hybrid working models in which employees can shift between working remotely and working at the office. However, this has brought an entirely new aspect that needs to be considered; How can organizations secure themselves and their employees when not everybody is working within the same firewall?

The security aspect of modern work was discussed when Microsoft Denmark once again hosted the event Modern Management Summit on October 7. Here, Microsoft experts within the field of modern work discussed how they are experiencing the demands of the new hybrid workplace and how this is affecting the device management strategy. Besides getting insights into modern management, the participants got the opportunity to ask Microsoft experts questions and get a sneak peek into the newest Surface PC line-up, the new Surface Laptop SE, Windows 365, and Windows 11.

A woman looking into the cameraModern device management is essential for us to fully migrate to hybrid.

– Sonia Blanco-Hansen, Surface Go-To-Market Lead, Microsoft Denmark.

Modern management – and why it’s essential when migrating to hybrid

Modern Management is built on cloud intelligence generated through learning across vast data sets. Cloud intelligence is applied through modern management to automate end-to-end actions, improve end-user experience, and ensure devices are both secure and performing at their best.

Modern Device Management plays an important role in strengthening the hybrid workplace without compromising security. As Sonia Blanco-Hansen, Surface Go-To-Market Lead at Microsoft Denmark said at the event “Modern device management is essential for us to fully migrate to hybrid”.

Today’s workplace needs an integrated security solution as organizations are moving towards remote work. The current network infrastructure was not built with today’s security in mind, and cyber-attacks happen at the firmware level – not the OS level – which is why firmware defense matters. The endpoint becomes the weakest link in security – and that’s how cybercriminals get into devices today.

Until recently, managing an organization’s technological infrastructure and PCs was done using dissimilar tools and methods meaning that IT professionals had to do lots of hands-on, manual, and time-consuming tasks.

New kinds of device form factors, new approaches in Windows 10 management, advancements in cloud technology, and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trends have made the move toward modern management more compelling for many organizations – not only regarding mobile devices but also for PCs.

Modern management is a novel approach to managing Windows 10 just like mobile devices are managed by Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) solutions. This approach allows you to simplify deployment and management, improve security, provide better end-user experiences, and lower costs for your Windows devices.

a man smilingThe hybrid workplace is here to stay. Therefore, the choice of the right and safest devices is more crucial than ever. In this new world, Surface is the obvious choice for modern businesses.

– Jesper Nielsen, Solution Architect & Microsoft MVP

Tips for successful management

What does it take to create a secure hybrid workplace that embraces modern device management? Technology plays a huge role when shifting from the traditional to a hybrid workplace. By adopting modern device management in organizations, the way to hybrid can be easier. However, as Jesper Nielsen, Solution Architect & Microsoft MVP pointed out, “The modern workplace journey is not a project, it’s a strategy”.

Jesper shared the following 10 things that an organization should consider when beginning the modern workplace journey.

  1. Enable hybrid-join
  2. Enable co-management and/or enrollment in Microsoft Intune
  3. Start using Microsoft Edge as the default browser
  4. Migrate to modern profile management
  5. Microsoft 365 apps health and management
  6. Start turning off Legacy authentication methods
  7. Prepare for windows 11
  8. Prepare for windows autopilot
  9. Prepare for Windows update for Business over WSU
  10. Embrace pen, touch, and “any device”

Jesper Nielsen concluded the event by saying “The hybrid workplace is here to stay. Therefore, the choice of the right and safest devices is more crucial than ever. In this new world, Surface is the obvious choice for modern businesses.”

People standing and smiling to the camera

The team at Modern Device Management Summit

Work Trend Index: 2021 Annual Report

The Next Great Disruption is Hybrid Work – Are We Ready? Exclusive research and expert insights into a year of work like no other reveal urgent trends for leaders as the next phase of work unfolds.

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