
With the implementation of GitHub and most recently GitHub Copilot, Bankdata has elevated its code developing skills to a new level. The AI tools have significantly optimized workflows and increase both job satisfaction and efficiency in software development. In collaboration with Microsoft, Bankdata ran a pilot project initially with GitHub and later with Copilot for […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

In the competitive world of engineering consultancy, standing out is crucial. NIRAS, an industry leader, has turned to Microsoft Azure OpenAI to improve their approach to extensive tender processes. With a focus on innovation and staying ahead of technological trends, NIRAS has embraced Azure’s powerful AI capabilities to automate and optimize operations, ensuring they’re not […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

Røde Kors er verdens største humanitære organisation og er til stede i 192 lande. I Danmark spiller Røde Kors en afgørende rolle i at støtte samfundet i nødsituationer og skabe en bedre fremtid for sårbare mennesker. Men Røde Kors er også en omfattende organisation med 40.000 frivillige, et landskontor med omkring 600 ansatte, 201 lokalafdelinger […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

Story House Egmont is part of the more than 100-year-old Nordic media group Egmont. As the name indicates, Story House Egmont is the guardian of tales. Armed with a diverse arsenal of platforms spanning magazines, digital media, e-commerce, and agencies Story House Egmont is continuously developing its core business to respond to a rapidly evolving […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

In an era where financial crimes are rampant and vigilance is critical, innovative fintech company Lucinity has harnessed the power of Microsoft Azure OpenAI to reinvent its approach to financial crime prevention For many banks and fintech businesses, it is common to find frontline analysts and financial crime investigators spending several hours analyzing data, sometimes […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

When testing Vestas products, massive amounts of test data are generated. Amounts that are difficult to comprehend. 2,000 terabytes (2 petabytes) of data per year – that needs storage for at least 10 years. With an accelerating pace of product innovation and increased demand for project certainty on new products, new ways of storing, processing, […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

Printing for the king was just the beginning for the 200-year-old Danish company Stibo. Fast forward to today, the Stibo Group is divided into three companies, Stibo Systems being one of them. With global brands such as Kellogg’s, Adidas, Glaxo Smith Kline, Colgate, Oatly, and PepsiCo on the client list, Stibo Systems is delivering Microsoft […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

Maybe you haven’t heard of Banking Circle. But the Danish-founded young bank and fintech are happy to be operating behind the scenes serving financial institutions around the world with the technology they need at the pace and scale that customers demand, providing financial infrastructure for cross-border payments and banking services. And they are good at […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

Today Nets is part of the European PayTech and the merger between Nets, Sia and Nexi has made the Nexi group a leading European player in digital payments with a presence in more than 25 countries. The core business is helping customers pay and accept digital payments through a complete and personalized range of simple, […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure
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