Power Apps Hackathon
Lesetid, 3 min.

With Power Apps, everyone, no matter their skillset can create innovative business apps to automate and improve processes. Build apps quickly with familiar Microsoft tools, prebuilt templates and drag-and-drop simplicity. Launch working apps in one click across web and mobile platforms. 

As a Microsoft partner, you have an exceptional opportunity to build solutions for your customers and help clients implement their solutions using the platform. 

About the hackathon 

Register and show your skills on Power Platform, try to solve some of the challenges of our Norwegian customers during this two-day hackathon – while using Power Apps as a bridge between all products in Microsoft, from M365 to Azure. A team of mentors will be on standby during the hackathon to assist with blockers.  

At the end of the hackathon, your solutions will be presented to the customers and a jury panel. See the related PowerPoint slide deck for more info on the challenges and hackathon rules. Afterwards, your work will be promoted by us, and you are free to showcase your results on your own channels. 

Lastly, the hackathon will also feature multiple sessions with Microsoft MVPs, where they will discuss and showcase what they are working with. These sessions are open to everyone. 

Required experience 

It is not a requirement that you present a functioning solution – one of the hackathon goals is to gain hands-on experience with Power Apps and see its capabilities to create value for multiple customers! We created a Cloud Skills Challenge to quickly get you up to speed with Power Apps. With this learning path, no prior experience with Power Apps is required. However, we recommend that at least one member in each team have experience with one or more Power Apps aspects: 

  • Need to understand and be efficient using Dataverse as the main data source 
  • Should know how to build the 3 different types Power Apps – Canvas/Model Driven/ Portals 
  • Integration with Azure is important (Azure APIM, Azure Functions) 
  • Understand concepts like Custom Connectors, Office Graph APIs, Power Automate orchestration, Power Virtual Agent Bot 
  • Power BI connecting to Dataverse or Azure datasources 
  • Knowledge about Dynamics 365, ALM, Governance, Mix Reality with LowCode is a plus 
  • Power Apps embedded in Sharepoint, Teams and other applications 


September 15th, Preliminary day 

  • Introduction of Mentors and general info about hackathon. 
  • Introduction of learning track 
  • Introduction of customer challenges. 
  • Collective Q&AThe calls will be recorded, and initiation of challenge solving before September 29th is optional. 

September 29th, Day 1  

  • 08:30-09:30, Challenges recap. Introduction of mentors and participating teams. 
  • 16:00-16:30, Day 1 recap and Q&A 

September 30th, Day 2 

  • 90 min. Sessions on different topics around Power Platform and Dynamics 365. From Power Apps Portals, HR to real time and personalized Communication journeys passing to AI Builder and Custom Connectors to extend your LowCode applications, in these sessions our Microsoft MVPs will give you a sneak peek of what they have been working with, open to everyone. (link for registration coming soon) 
  • 11:59, Deadline: upload 5-minute video demonstrations (check you email for more information).
  • 13:30-15:30, Microsoft leaders talks + Award ceremony

How to join?

To participate, you must register for both days on the following page. The preliminary calls on September 15th are voluntary. Attendance 29th and 30th is compulsory.

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