Woman with yellow hat and coat looking at her watch

The world moves fast. And keeping up is not enough.

Shirley Finnerty

Shirley Finnerty

Former M365 Lead

Read Time, 1 min.

People don’t want to be slowed down by lagging technology.

To put it simply, modern life demands modern devices.

Always up-to-date, always evolving.

Simple. Seamless. Effortless.

Making experiences simpler

We’re our best selves when everything just works.

No matter where we are, or what we’re doing, we need technology that’s easy – that perfectly complements our work and life.

The best tools allow us the freedom to move easily between devices without losing access to the information we need.

They’re as agile as we are – and secure at all times.

The power of simplicity

What’s the enemy of security and productivity?


The simpler the technology is to use, the better the experience.

To be clear, simple doesn’t mean less robust. It doesn’t mean less capable.

It means elegance.

Fewer things to manage, configure, integrate and secure.

Truly modern and truly secure.

More productivity. Less risk.

Versatile technology

In modern life we need to create, consume and communicate in ways that fit seamlessly into our lives. Tools tailored to us.

There is no limit to what we can achieve when our technology reflects the diversity of everyone who uses it.

It means accessibility – whether that’s working with your voice, you need to easily distinguish colours, or you’re unable to use a keyboard. Technology should push our creativity, empowering us to share it securely with anyone, at any time.

Free eBook: Empower your employees to be creative and work together, securely

Thrive in a fast-changing digital world by giving your people the freedom and flexibility to be productive and work together from anywhere

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