Empowering Ukrainian women and children: A collaborative effort

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Communications Manager

Læsetid, 3 min.

Today marks the commencement of a significant collaboration aimed at providing essential technological support to Ukrainian women and children refugees in Denmark. The NGO Aid Ukraine Denmark has received a donation of 140 laptops from Novo Nordisk, which require the installation of necessary software before they can be distributed to the beneficiaries. Just this was what technical experts from Microsoft Denmark helped with on Monday the 16th and managed to get 103 laptops ready for donation to the Ukrainian women and children.

A step closer to the Danish society

The impact of receiving a fully functional laptop makes a large difference for the integration into the Danish society for Ukrainian refugees. Many require these devices for work or educational purposes, yet may not have been able to bring their own from Ukraine, or their existing devices may be outdated and incompatible with current requirements. This poses as a challenge for the Ukrainian women when it comes to integrating into society.

“Receiving a computer symbolises a first step to integrate into the Danish society. The computers create way to rebuild a new life here in Denmark. There’s a lot of steps, but the computer gets the women a long way”

States Andrii Klymovych, volunteer at Aid Ukraine Denmark.

This initiative goes beyond mere technological support; it represents a commitment to empowering Ukrainian women refugees, providing them with the tools necessary to rebuild their lives in Denmark. The collaborative effort between Aid Ukraine Denmark and Microsoft Danmark ensures that the women receive the support they need to succeed and thrive in their new surroundings.

“The computers create possibilities for communicating and thereby getting a job and learning Danish and English. Many of the women hardly speak English, so the computer will be a big help for them to learn”

States Andrii Klymovych, volunteer at Aid Ukraine Denmark.

Distribution and Community Involvement

To make these laptops fully functional and ready for use, Aid Ukraine Denmark encountered some technical challenges related to pre-existing software licenses. To tackle this, a collaborative effort between Aid Ukraine Denmark and technical experts from Microsoft Denmark led to a swift and effective solution, ensuring the laptops could be prepared efficiently.

To expedite the process, a dedicated team from Microsoft Denmark offered their expertise and time to assist with the installation of the necessary software on all the laptops. The team has taken out an entire day to set these computers up and get them working, ultimately getting them to the women as fast as possible.

The distribution of the laptops will be managed by Aid Ukraine Denmark’s network of Ukrainian women, called Power Women, who live in various refugee centres around Copenhagen. These women play a vital role in identifying those most in need and ensuring the donations reach the right individuals.

This ensures that the distributions of the computers are to those women who are striving to succeed in their integration journey in Denmark. These women are often actively learning Danish and/or English, working, looking for jobs, mastering new skills, and gaining new qualifications, and they need the computers for these purposes.

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