Socialt engagement

Socialt engagement

Vi er forpligtet til at forbedre verden, når vi arbejder for at hjælpe alle med at opnå mere. Læs vores inspirerende fortællinger her.

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Balancing tradition and modernity: The opening of Maasai Kili Lodge
Balancing tradition and modernity: The opening of Maasai Kili Lodge

In the heart of Tanzania, the Maasai community strive to successfully balance tradition and modernity. With the support of Microsoft employees, Maasai women have built and opened Maasai Kili Lodge, a hotel that has already welcomed its first guests, offering an authentic Masaai experience for visitors. The community has embraced entrepreneurship, with women playing a […]

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Communications Manager

Microsoft Surface supporting Danmarks Indsamling 2025
Microsoft Surface supporting Danmarks Indsamling 2025

Microsoft Denmark is proud to contribute to tonight’s Danmarks Indsamling 2025 by providing 20 Surface Laptops for their call center. Danmarks Indsamlingen makes a significant effort in the world’s poorest areas, where the need is greatest. Each year, the organizations develop a series of sustainable development projects within a specific theme. Since the first Denmark’s […]

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Communications Manager

Empowering Ukrainian women and children: A collaborative effort
Empowering Ukrainian women and children: A collaborative effort

Today marks the commencement of a significant collaboration aimed at providing essential technological support to Ukrainian women and children refugees in Denmark. The NGO Aid Ukraine Denmark has received a donation of 140 laptops from Novo Nordisk, which require the installation of necessary software before they can be distributed to the beneficiaries. Just this was […]

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Iben Lindholm Jørgensen

Communications Manager

ChangeX lancerer ny fond til at støtte borgere og foreninger i Høje-Taastrup, Roskilde og Køge med at gennemføre lokalsamfundsprojekter
ChangeX lancerer ny fond til at støtte borgere og foreninger i Høje-Taastrup, Roskilde og Køge med at gennemføre lokalsamfundsprojekter

Denmark Community Challenge, der støttes af Microsoft, vil give finansiering og støtte til grupper, der ønsker at starte eller udvikle meningsfuldeprojekter til gavn for lokalsamfundet baseret på gennemprøvede idéer. København, juni 2023 – Organisationen ChangeX, støttet af Microsoft, lancerer en ny fond på 300.000 DKK til støtte for lokalsamfundsgrupper, skoler og foreninger, der ønsker at igangsætte […]

Morten Skøtt

Morten Skøtt

Head of Communication

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