Arbejde og produktivitet
Arbejdspladsen er under forandring. Lær, hvordan du redefinerer måden, du når dine arbejdsopgaver på, og hvordan du fremmer arbejdskulturen og medarbejderes engagement på nye, spændende måder.
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With the implementation of GitHub and most recently GitHub Copilot, Bankdata has elevated its code developing skills to a new level. The AI tools have significantly optimized workflows and increase both job satisfaction and efficiency in software development. In collaboration with Microsoft, Bankdata ran a pilot project initially with GitHub and later with Copilot for […]

Dardan Dashaj
Go To Market Lead - Azure

NIRAS is a value-driven, multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy fundamentally committed to sustainable progress and service delivery. The Copenhagen-headquartered business has more than 3,000 employees located in 61 offices around the world. Together, they have successfully delivered over 7,000 projects. Can artificial intelligence ameliorate the talent shortage? “One of our main challenges,” admits Claus Birkholm, CIO and […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

In the fast-evolving landscape of hybrid work, organizations face the challenge of promoting employee engagement and performance through new ways of working. At Modern Work Discovery Day on December 14th, we explored how organizations can define sustainable hybrid workspace models and leverage modern technology to enhance work processes and drive performance. On December 14, 2023, […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work

The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard initiative is a vital part of Microsoft’s cultural attributes, signaling the need for patience and attention towards individuals who wear it. The lanyards are available to everyone who enters the building, encouraging a culture where everyone feels seen and included. The initiative allows individuals to signal a hidden disability without […]

Camilla Hillerup
HR Director

Technology has revolutionized the way we do business transforming it into a dynamic world of endless opportunities – but also pitfalls as scaling use cases can seem like a barrier. However, with the help of AI and CRM solutions, companies can optimize their sales processes and allow sellers to focus on building stronger customer relationships. […]

Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Et hackerangreb en fredag eftermiddag i august blev startskuddet til de fleste IT-ansvarliges værste mareridt. Det gælder også for Anders Fosgerau, Kontorchef for IT Service hos Danmarks Tekniske Universitet. Det, som han og hans kollegaer først troede var et mindre sikkerhedsbrud, viste sig at være mere alvorligt. I et tæt samarbejde med Microsoft, fik DTU […]

Jurate Beniulyte
Go To Market Lead - Security

Hybrid work is changing the workplace as we know it. And the need for professional and engaging hybrid work solutions fostering meaningful interactions is greater than ever. On December 6, leading experts in the field of modern work gathered at the Microsoft Denmark office to discuss and debate the possibilities and dilemmas of the topic. […]

Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Since the pandemic, more and more organizations are joining the modern, digital workplace. This requires a changed approach to device management. But what does it take to implement a modern management approach and what are the demands of the digital organization? Covid-19 brought many changes, and since the reopening organizations have had to rethink organizational […]

Isabella Oliver
Social Lead

Tiden efter corona har hævet kravene til arbejdspladsens fleksibilitet, til hvornår vi skal arbejde – og ikke mindst; hvor vi skal arbejde fra. Det stiller medarbejder og leder overfor nye udfordringer med at bevare både samhørighed og meningsfuldhed på arbejdspladsen. For hvordan opretholder man egentlig et helt tilhørsforhold til en arbejdsplads, der bliver mere og […]

Maria Galvez
CMO Lead - Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

On September 20th Microsoft Denmark hosted an event in which two speakers gave their perspectives on the financial institution of the future. During the session it became clear that the needs and priorities of the customers are changing rapidly – the question is how tech and AI can assist in making the business-critical transition. The […]

Jacob Engsig
Chief Operating Officer, Microsoft Denmark & Iceland

Hybrid work constitutes a world of possibilities but is difficult for organizations to fully grasp. Maybe because hybrid work is touching upon some of the fundamental building blocks of every business; the organizational culture and behavior, how we collaborate, and how not least; making everybody feel included, no matter where they work from. At the […]

Kit Ingwersen
Go-To-Market Lead - Modern Work
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