Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Maxim Salnikov is an Oslo-based cloud and web front-end geek who builds web applications since the end of the last century and shares his extensive experience with many aspects of the web platform by speaking/training at developer events around the world and running his own conferences & meetups. He is actively exploring new features of the web and the idea of progressive web applications (PWA) in particular.

Andre forfattere

Takeshi Numoto


Microsoft Build: AI Day
Microsoft Build: AI Day

Update! Due to high number of registrations we will run the Azure OpenAI lab as an instructor-led labs walkthrough with minimal assistance from onsite proctors. We expect most attendees to enjoy the presentation and save the lab work for another day – labs will be shared, see more below.   Microsoft Build: AI Day will help […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Microsoft Build Norway
Microsoft Build Norway

Thank you for joining us for Microsoft Build Norway on September 20th! We hope you had a good experience with us. Check out our recap video from the day here We have also gathered a few resources we recommend you to check out: Try GitHub Copilot in action – start free 30-day trial Get started […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 12: Automating change management, and AKS deployments with Flagger in Vipps
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 12: Automating change management, and AKS deployments with Flagger in Vipps

The next episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” video show is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies. What do you think about learning cloud technology by exploring how the real-world […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 11: Migrating complex app to AKS and using Azure Cognitive Services at scale in Kongsberg Digital
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 11: Migrating complex app to AKS and using Azure Cognitive Services at scale in Kongsberg Digital

The next episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” video show is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies.  What do you think about learning cloud technology by exploring how the real-world […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Spring Skills Challenge
Få nye ferdigheter, ta sertifiseringer og bli belønnet med Microsoft Spring Skills Challenge

Læring og utvikling er høyt på agendaen! Teknologi endrer seg raskt og for å holde følge, er det nødvending å stadig utvikle seg selv. Ha som et mål denne våren å fremme din karriere med nye ferdigheter og sertifiseringer. Vi inviterer deg til å ta utfordringen med Microsoft Spring Challenge. Du bestemmer læringsplanen på vår […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 10: Building a Service Platform on Azure and using Azure Durable Functions in Forte Digital
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 10: Building a Service Platform on Azure and using Azure Durable Functions in Forte Digital

The next episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” video show is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies. What do you think about learning cloud technology by exploring how the real-world […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Running mission critical workloads on Azure in Norway using Availability Zones
Running mission critical workloads on Azure in Norway using Availability Zones

At the Norway’s Local Connection session at Microsoft Ignite 2021 online conference, we’ve heard about how do Norwegian companies build and migrate applications with extreme requirements for availability and resilience. Watch this session recording to learn how to use Availability Zones, and how to think around migration based on the experiences from the field. On-demand […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Maxim and guests in a studio giving the thumbs up
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 9: Frequent releases with AKS, and saving the world with Serverless in TietoEVRY 

The next episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” videoshow is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies.  For this episode, Maxim Salnikov from Microsoft invited Kristina Devochko, Kent Inge Fagerland Simonsen, and Sindre Haugland […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Power Apps Hackathon
LowCode Hackathon in September

With Power Apps, everyone, no matter their skillset can create innovative business apps to automate and improve processes. Build apps quickly with familiar Microsoft tools, prebuilt templates and drag-and-drop simplicity. Launch working apps in one click across web and mobile platforms.  As a Microsoft partner, you have an exceptional opportunity to build solutions for your […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

.NET Webinar
Recap of the Cloud Dev Norway: .NET Edition

As digital demand for goods, services and information grows, our customers are looking to cost-effectively modernize their web applications. June 17th, we ran “Cloud Dev Day: .NET Modernization” event to help you with this task. This is a recap of this event including a list of the useful resources for you and your company to […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 8: Migrating 200+ microservices to the Azure Kubernetes Service in Elkjøp 
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 8: Migrating 200+ microservices to the Azure Kubernetes Service in Elkjøp 

This episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” videoshow is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies.  For this episode, Maxim Salnikov from Microsoft invited Henry Hagnäs, a Cloud Solutions Architect at Microsoft Norway, and Fredrik […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

en gruppe mennesker som poserer for et bilde foran et bord
Recap of Cloud Stories from Norway, Episode 6: Migrating 120 VMs to Azure in 1.5 months in TINE

The next episode of the “Cloud stories from Norway” videoshow is ready for watching! In this 40-minutes long show we feature Azure cloud best practices, patterns, tips & tricks used in production in the products and services of well-known Norwegian companies. For this episode, Maxim Salnikov from Microsoft invited Jan Egil Ring, a Lead Architect […]

Maxim Salnikov

Maxim Salnikov

Developer Engagement Lead

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Andre forfattere

Takeshi Numoto