Vânia Neto

Vânia Neto

Education Skills Lead | Microsoft Western Europe

Vânia Neto is currently Microsoft Education Skills & Learning Lead for Western Europe, responsible for the Education Skilling strategy and the relationship with Education Institutions, Faculty, Educators and Students. She is deeply involved the AI Skilling initiatives developed at Western Europe, as well as the agenda for Digital Skills, supporting Europe's Digital Transition goals. Vânia is a Digital Skills and Girls in ICT advocate.


4 resources to help educators reimagine computer science in the curriculum

Our world is changing fast. COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly accelerated Digital Transformation and all business sectors and institutions have shifted to hybrid work and digital delivery. This has had a huge consequence on required job skills.  According to analysis by LinkedIn and Microsoft, 149 million more digital jobs will be created by 2025, in fields […]

Vânia Neto

Vânia Neto

Education Skills Lead | Microsoft Western Europe

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