Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Helping organisations in Ireland achieve digital transformation, driving productivity and security


Cyber Signals: Defending against cyberthreats with the latest research, insights, and trends
Cyber Signals: Defending against cyberthreats with the latest research, insights, and trends

We’re excited to introduce Cyber Signals a cyberthreat intelligence brief informed by the latest Microsoft threat data and research. This content, which will be released quarterly, offers an expert perspective into the current threat landscape, discussing trending tactics, techniques, and strategies used by the world’s most prolific threat actors. As such, we hope it’s a valuable resource to Chief Information Security Officers, Chief Information Officers, Chief Privacy […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Security Considerations for a Hybrid Working Environment
Security Considerations for a Hybrid Working Environment

Over the past 20 months, we’ve seen significant changes in the cyber security threat landscape that are having a major impact on organisations of every size in every sector. The frequency and sophistication of cyber events have increased significantly. Unfortunately, this has security implications, which need to be closely managed to mitigate the risks across the organisation. Microsoft recently released […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

a group of people sitting at a table using a laptop
Have Irish Organisations Overlooked Security In The Race To Adapt To Remote Working?

Have Irish Organisations Overlooked Security In The Race To Adapt To Remote Working?   Recent research asks if organisations and employees in Ireland have overlooked security in the race to adapt to homeworking?  We can all agree that the Pandemic was an unexpected event with immediate and severe effects that can fundamentally change our environment.  […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

a close up of a data centre wires
Irish Employers’ Bad Habits Increase Risk of Cyber Attack

Irish Employer’s Bad Habits Increase Risk of Cyber Attack   It only takes a quick glance at the news to see another example of a company falling victim to a cyber threat like data theft or being disrupted via ransomware. They are not alone; we have seen Sweeping cyberattacks targeting governments and other organisations in […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

A room with Cyber defense operatins Center written on the floor
Ransomware and Malware attacks decline in 2018, as cyber criminals increasingly look to exploit people online using methods such as Phishing and Cryptocurrency Mining

Ransomware and Malware attacks decline in 2018, as cyber criminals increasingly look to exploit people online using methods such as Phishing and Cryptocurrency Mining The world has never been more connected than it is today with figures showing that nine out of ten European households are online. But when everything is connected, everything can also […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

Image of a woman on her laptop in a coffee shop
Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland  

Three Reasons Poor Employee Security Habits Expose Public and Private Sector Organisations in Ireland   Kevin Mitnick, the famous hacker once said, “What I found personally to be true was that it’s easier to manipulate people rather than technology.” Digital transformation is enabling and transforming organisations, driving everything from employee productivity, to the ability to […]

Des Ryan

Des Ryan

Solutions Director

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