Ladina Caduff

Ladina Caduff

Government Affairs Director

Ladina ist Government Affairs Director von Microsoft Schweiz.


We need you at the Swiss Permafrost Hackathon
We need you at the Swiss Permafrost Hackathon

The mountains are changing: permafrost is receding, rockslides can be the result. Microsoft Switzerland is proud to announce an important project on permafrost using AI for Good. Together with our partner ETH Zurich we are running a hackathon. Data scientists from all over the country will meet to analyze data in order to better understand […]

Ladina Caduff

Ladina Caduff

Government Affairs Director

eine Gruppe von Menschen, die auf einem Berg stehen
Visualizing Climate Change and how it is affecting Switzerland

Choices made now are critical for the future The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report highlights the urgency of prioritizing timely and ambitious action to address unprecedented and enduring changes in the ocean and cryosphere. “The open sea, the Arctic, the Antarctic and the high mountains may seem far away to many […]

Ladina Caduff

Ladina Caduff

Government Affairs Director

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