PWC Switzerland
Lesezeit, 1 min.

Explore PwC Switzerland’s journey, powered by Microsoft solutions, towards a brighter digital future.

Cloud Transformation

Daniel Wirth unveils the transformative journey with the cloud at the forefront, signaling a paradigm shift in operational strategies. „At PwC Switzerland, we’re on a transformative journey with the cloud at the forefront,“ he asserts. Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure in Switzerland becomes the cornerstone of this evolution, revolutionizing operations, streamlining processes, and forging an agile foundation for the future.

Innovative Horizons

Daniel Molka embraces the essence of innovation in the realm of AI. „At PwC Switzerland, innovation is our core. We aim to advance in AI, pushing the boundaries,“ he proclaims. With Microsoft solutions fueling their endeavors, PwC Switzerland drives continuous innovation, prioritizing strategy alignment and operational efficiency.

Empowering Auditors

Veneta Eftychis’ testimony emphasizes auditors‘ empowerment in the field, leveraging low-code tools to pioneer innovative processes. „At PwC Switzerland, we as auditors have been empowered with low-code tools. On just one client alone we have implemented 75 citizen-led apps,“ she reveals. Leveraging Microsoft solutions, auditors revolutionize processes, ensuring efficiency, consistency, and heightened customer satisfaction.

Collaboration Unbound

Jeremy Wikler’s resounding voice echoes PwC’s commitment to collaboration. „At PwC, we take collaboration to the next level, enabling our people and our clients, everywhere, at any time,“ he declares. Through Microsoft solutions, PwC Switzerland crafts an interconnected ecosystem, fostering productivity and partnership beyond traditional constraints.

Join us in celebrating PwC Switzerland’s journey of transformation. With Microsoft by their side, the future is bright, and the possibilities are endless.




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