Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

Anna Torlyk is Social Community Engagement MC for Microsoft Denmark.


AI & Azure Empowerment: Enabling intelligent solutions for improving performance, mitigating risks, and accelerating innovation
AI & Azure Empowerment: Enabling intelligent solutions for improving performance, mitigating risks, and accelerating innovation

Everything is moving faster – and with the Copilots, speed is only increasing. With new digital assistants built into the everyday tools, every employee can be more productive, with all the benefits that follow. At Microsoft Technical Briefing Day, Microsoft experts offered insights into how migrating to Azure and getting the most out of new […]

Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

From autopilot to Copilot: Unveiling How to Copilot Your way to success.
From autopilot to Copilot: Unveiling How to Copilot Your way to success.

The largest auditorium at Microsoft Denmark in Lyngby was packed to capacity on November 7th as attendees gathered for the much-awaited event Copilot Your Way to Success. “I think it’s safe to say that the Copilot hype is real,” Kit Ingwersen, Modern Work & Surface Business Group Lead at Microsoft Denmark, said in her welcoming […]

Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

Azure Immersion Workshops – Denmark
Azure Immersion Workshops – Denmark

Azure. Invent with purpose. As the world adapts to the realities of an increasingly connected workforce, it’s important for your organization to embrace an increased digital transformation. Azure Immersion Workshops are exclusive sessions designed to introduce you to and familiarize you with Microsoft Azure technologies and innovations. Based on your organization’s needs, you’ll dive into topics around analytics, data modernization, AI, […]

Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

Microsoft Discover Workshops
Microsoft Discover Workshops

Hvilke ønsker og drømme har I for jeres fremtidige arbejdsplads? Til Discover workshops demonstrerer vi, hvordan I kan effektivisere jeres arbejdsgange, styrke jeres samarbejde, optimere jeres sikkerhed, modernisere jeres data platform, migrere jeres infrastruktur til skyen, og meget mere. Bevæbnet med den nyeste teknologi bliver I kastet ud i et scenarie, der viser, hvad I […]

Anna Torlyk

Anna Torlyk

Social Community Engagement MC

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