Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Dedicated to empowering students and teachers of today to create the world of tomorrow


Northern Ireland moves to cloud-first education
Northern Ireland moves to cloud-first education

Northern Ireland moves to cloud-first education All teachers in the region now being equipped with Surface Pro laptops Transforming how education is provided in Northern Ireland over the next decade is a crucial goal for the region’s Education Authority.  To meet digital skills needs over that period and beyond, the authority is implementing a versatile […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Making learning accessible for everyone with Microsoft Education
Making learning accessible for everyone with Microsoft Education

Every student deserves a solution to help them achieve great things. Learn in this article how Microsoft’s accessibility tools can support diverse learning needs. More than 1 billion people across the world have disabilities. Yet only 1 in 10 have access to the tools they need to fully participate in society. It is a challenge […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Sacred Heart Tullamore achieving sustainability through reimagined learning
Sacred Heart Tullamore achieving sustainability through reimagined learning

Irish rural secondary school has boosted sustainability and increased collaboration, while building a deep culture of trust through its innovative approach to education.  Sustainability and promoting collaboration are vital goals in education today. Sacred Heart Secondary School in Tullamore, Co Offaly is achieving both by harnessing the transformative power of digital tools in education.   “We […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Imagining a new era of education with Windows 11 and Windows 11 SE
Imagining a new era of education with Windows 11 and Windows 11 SE

The past 2 years have fundamentally changed the education landscape. Schools are relying on technology in unprecedented ways, shining a light on the fact that solutions that were once “good enough” for learning, no longer meet the bar.  This moment presents a unique opportunity to reimagine how we can use technology to empower educators and […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Building a pathway to the Cloud through our new Skill Forward programme
Building a pathway to the Cloud through our new Skill Forward programme

The past years have demonstrated in a very real way the power of Cloud technologies. Put simply, without the Cloud, we would not have been able to work or learn from home nor would we be witnessing the pace of digital transformation that is underpinning our economic recovery. Cloud technologies are now critical to every […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Ireland’s Future is MINE (and Yours!): The next stage of the Dream Space journey
Ireland’s Future is MINE (and Yours!): The next stage of the Dream Space journey

October 2021 marked an exciting juncture in Microsoft Ireland’s Dream Space journey with the launch of the second series of Dream Space TV, available on RTE.ie/Learn. The inaugural series was developed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which not only meant that pupils and teachers were suddenly and unexpectedly restricted from visiting the Dream Space […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Building AI Skills for an Inclusive Future
Building AI Skills for an Inclusive Future

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a technology of the future. In transforming how we live our daily lives – from receiving medical treatment and consuming news, to how we approach learning – AI is more powerful, prevalent and impactful than ever before. That was one of the key takeaways from the second annual John […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

How the FH JOANNEUM University is preparing students for new skillset demands with the Microsoft Learn for Educators Program
How the FH JOANNEUM University is preparing students for new skillset demands with the Microsoft Learn for Educators Program

“Nowadays, if you want to pursue a career in medical informatics, you need to be highly skilled in software engineering, machine learning and more. Fortunately, that’s where the Microsoft courses are making the difference for me – helping me to start my learning journey and acquire the basic knowledge to later build expertise upon.” Daniel […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

a boy using a laptop computer sitting on top of a table
Microsoft partnership with FIT

Despite being amid a technological revolution, empowering individuals with the appropriate digital skills remains our greatest challenge. The number of young people who are pursuing STEM careers is steadily decreasing; and only half of all students who do choose STEM courses end up in STEM careers. Furthermore, we are also in the midst of a skills […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

a person sitting at a desk in front of a computer
Reimagining Uninterrupted Learning at Sacred Heart School in Tullamore

As students and teachers found themselves away from the classroom environment and learning from home, schools were again adapting to different ways of learning to ensure quality education continues. For the Sacred Heart School in Tullamore, Co Offaly, the staff and student body were well prepared to deal with this upheaval and continued to deliver […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

Reimagining education: From remote to hybrid learning
Reimagining education: From remote to hybrid learning

The COVID-19 pandemic generated a torrent of individual and small-group responses as to how education could be transformed. We have found a groundswell of interest in the question, “How best to take advantage of the new opportunities arising from the disruption?” What people desperately need are opportunities to team up and find pathways of action […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

a woman sitting at a table using a laptop
A look inside the classroom of the future at Sacred Heart School in Tullamore 

A look inside the classroom of the future at Sacred Heart School in Tullamore  At Microsoft, we are continually inspired by schools across the globe that are enabling remote or blended learning in ingenious ways. One such example is Sacred Heart School in the town of Tullamore, which is leading the way in Ireland when it comes to the integrated use of technology in the classroom.   Teachers and students at the all-girls school now use […]

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Dr. Kevin Marshall

Head of Education, Microsoft Ireland

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