Conor Magee

Conor Magee

Digital Specialist

Conor has been working with Microsoft Modern Workplace for the last 6 years, helping lead organisations of all sizes through their digital transformation journey. Currently he specialises in Windows 365 and is working to bring this new category of computing and all its associated benefits to a wider audience.


Streamlining Employee Onboarding with Windows 365 Cloud PCs
Streamlining Employee Onboarding with Windows 365 Cloud PCs

With the widespread move to flexible or hybrid work practices, providing a fast and effective staff onboarding process is becoming more of a challenge. Couple this with a move towards sustainable work practices and the requirement to provide a great end-user experience from anywhere and it’s clear that an alternative to organisations providing a traditional […]

Conor Magee

Conor Magee

Digital Specialist

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