Anne Sheehan

Anne Sheehan

General Manager of Microsoft Ireland

As General Manager of Microsoft Ireland Anne is responsible for the sales, marketing, and services business across the island of Ireland - with a particular focus on delivering business transformation with Microsoft's customers and partners within the public and private sectors. Anne is passionate about partnering with Irish organisations to work together towards an innovative and progressive digital world.


Woman in white t-shirt and jean on a swing working on a laptop with a lake an mountain in the background
Microsoft Ireland Work Trend Index 2023

Our 2023 Work Trend Index, which surveys almost 700 workers across all sectors in Ireland, answers some key questions that leaders should be asking themselves right now – about employee expectations, productivity pressure points, effectiveness of hybrid working policies, and how leaders are showing up during a time of sustained change. Engaging employees in this […]

Anne Sheehan

Anne Sheehan

General Manager of Microsoft Ireland

Banking on technology to empower employees with new ways of working  
Banking on technology to empower employees with new ways of working  

AIB extends its relationship with Microsoft to further develop a digitally inclusive and flexible cloud platform that empowers employees with new ways of working  There has been a seismic shift in employee expectations, with flexible working hours, a desire for a more positive work culture, and strong health and wellbeing policies all top of mind […]

Anne Sheehan

Anne Sheehan

General Manager of Microsoft Ireland

Making Hybrid Work Work
Making Hybrid Work Work

The next 12 months are a pivotal time for many leaders in determining how to transform the workplace and best meet the needs of employees after such a dramatic change in ways of working. Microsoft Ireland recently surveyed more than six hundred workers across Ireland and, in addition to Microsoft’s global 2022 Work Trend Index […]

Anne Sheehan

Anne Sheehan

General Manager of Microsoft Ireland

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