Hvordan bygge en bot?
o How to build a bot and integrate it with Dataverse and other connectors.
o You will also learn how to activate the bot in Teams and use it in your own website.
Lær mer om innovasjon på arbeidsplassen og forbered ditt team på innovasjonskonkurransen. Vi har satt sammen en rekke korte videosnutter hvor vi snakker teknologi.
Hvordan bygge en bot?
o How to build a bot and integrate it with Dataverse and other connectors.
o You will also learn how to activate the bot in Teams and use it in your own website.
PowerApps + Teams
o How to create apps without any single line of code and anyone can do it.
o Check out this session to learn more about how to build PowerApps and integrate them in Teams.
Hvordan integrere egne systemer i Teams
o Dialogue
Teams as a platform
o Introduction to Extensibility of Microsoft Teams
Meeting with Eirik
o Learn how to add 3rd party apps in Teams
o Learn how to administer 3rd party apps in your organization
Teams app templates
o What is Teams app templates?
o Examples on available app templates